Chapter 36

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Two years later, you graduated. You were finally free from college and from exams. However, today, you had to still go to do your job at the restaurant. Thankfully, there were't many people, so you could sit down with a bunch of your classmates who were on the restaurant to celebrate. Adriano was there, of course. And even Antonio went with him.

Your boss really didn't care. If there wasn't people at the restaurant, he said you could do whatever you wanted. Having known you for three years, he knew you were someone he could trust.

You even joined the festivities, drinking with your friends. Of course, you knew you had to be careful because you were still at your shift. It was a happy ocasion. Finally, you could do what you wanted. Besides, now, your relantionship with your parents was better. It wasn't the perfect relationship but you were getting there.

By 9 p.m., most of your friends were already wasted. So, you stopped bringing drinks. You didn't want them to faint at the restaurant. Adriano was completely wasted. But Antonio was not. So, you quickly approached him:

"Do you think you can bring him home?"

"Yeah. I mean, I'm probably have to make sure the majority of them arrive home safe anyways.", he turned to a girl, "Angela, you take the girls, I take the boys.", he turned to you again, "Thank you for all the drinks. This should be enough to all of us.", he handed you some money, "Have a goodnight."

"You too!"

You were the one who had to close the restaurant today. So Bucciarati decided to wait for you to go home. The gang was surprisingly touchy with your boyfriend. Giving him patts on the back, grinns and even evil smiles... What was going on?

After the gang went home, you quickly approached your boyfriend and asked him if something was wrong.

"What?", he seemed nervous, "No, no, there's nothing wrong.", your boyfriend seemed conflicted now.

"Is there something you want to tell me?"

"No. Don't worry about it."

"You don't need to lie to me. We'll discuss this after I clean this table. It's the last one, after all.", you turned around to finish your job.

One minute after that, you turned again to face Bucciarati just to see him in one knee in front of you. You quickly gasped and let go of the towel you had in your hand. Your heart stopped working when you saw that your boyfriend had a ring on a small box.

"Br-Bruno...", you felt like crying.

"I've been nervous all day just to ask you this one question. I mean, this restaurant was the place where we met each other, so it seems rather fitting to ask you here where we met. (Y/N), I love you with all my heart ans soul. You make my life so much better I don't know how to describe it. So, please. Would you marry me? Would you be my wife?"

You didn't really know what to say. You simply kneeled yourself while nodding frenetickly. You hugged him strongly while he sighed in relief. Then, you two shared a kiss.

"I love you so much.", you said, "I wasn't expecting this at all! I mean-", you went silent when you saw that the ring was your size and fitted perfectly, "How did you know my number? I never wear rings or anything like that."

"Even I have my secrets.", he simply told you.

You hugged him once more, thanking him for everything.

"What are you doing? It was me who proposed. It is me who must be thankfull that you accepted it! So, please, don't thank me."

"Really, I'm so happy! First finishing college, now this! I'm the most lucky girl in the entire world!"

"And I'm the luckiest guy on the world to have you on my side. You're Perfect For Me."

Starting a new year of school makes me stay away from Wattpad and I'm sorry for that! I have to apologize for not uploading another chapter. I'm really, really sorry! But don't worry. Even if the updates are slow, I won't stop until I finish this story. ( ^ ^ )

The main story is done but I still have some extras like the Narancia x Reader story I did.

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