Chapter 35

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Bucciarati's POV

The dinner was going well. Her parents were strangely friendly towards me and towards their daughter. I, however, am not having any of that friendly behavior. It's seemed really fake.

When (Y/N) got up to go to the bathroom, I quickly called their attention and said:

"You can stop pretending. What are you here for, tonight?"

" What are you talking about?", Mr. (L/N) asked.

"Are you really trying t reconnect with your daughter. I find it hard to believe. I mean, after all you've done..."

"Look.", her mother asked, "It's true. We don't like you and you don't like us. Fair is fair. But we won't get in your way anymore. If she likes you, it's fine with us. We realized that all we want is for her to be happy."

"I just hope she finds someone more...", her father started, "Someone less dangerous than you."

"(Y/N) is perfectly safe with me. And, for your information, I'll probably be proposing after she finishes university."

"What?!", her parents yelled at me but I just smirked:

"If she says yes, she'll be (Y/N) Bucciarati. So you don't have to worry about her protection."

Mr. (L/N) couldn't say anything before my girlfriend returned and sat by my side:

"What did I miss?"


Your POV

In the car, Bucciarati was beyond happy. He finally seemed in good terms with your parents. Of course you didn't know that that wasn't the reason behind it. Bruno was happy to see your parents' faces when he told them he would propose.

"Did you enjoy yourself?", he asked you, stopping at a traffic light.

"Yeah! They seemed different from what they're usually like. More opened."

"Hum. Is that it? Glad to hear.", he smiled.

The traffic light turned green and Bucciarati speeded up.

"And you?"

"Me? I'm just glad you've finally made up with your parents. I just want the best for you, tesoro."

You blushed, smiling. Bucciarati supported you through everything and never doubted you. Besides, he accepted your hobbies and your job. He loved you for who you were. And you loved him back. How could you not? He was perfect for you.

When you got home, Trish was waiting for you two with Abbacchio. The others were already sleeping.

"So, how was it?!", Trish asked you while Abbacchio asked Bruno the same thing.

"It was good!", you said happily.

"It was fine.", Bruno responded to Abbacchio at the same time, "Did that guy call?"

"Yes. I said you would call back."

"Ok. Give me five minutes and I'll go.", Bucciarati approached you, "Look, I know you have to work now but I have an important phone call to make and it is better if you don't listen. Give me some time. I'll call you back to the office then."

"Sure.", you said.

Trish and you made your way to her bedroom to watch the new episode of Attack on Titan. And, in the middle of the episode, she kept asking you about your new doujinshi:

"You know I can't say anything."

"Even to me?", she begged, "Come on! Say something."

"No can do."

"But you let Bruno watch you draw! Why don't I watch you too?"

"Because he doesn't care about that. You do. But don't worry. You'll know in time."


Bucciarati opened the door at that moment. He said you could come work now. You said goodnight to Trish and went with your boyfriend into the office. However, before you could sit down, your editor called. What did he want at this hour?

"Who is it?", your boyfriend asked.

"My editor. So", you smiled, "if you could step out of the office for now, I'd appreciate it.", you teased him, "How did you say: It is better if you don't listen.", Bucciarati smiled before leaving the office and closing the door.

You answered the call and talked with your editor. It seemed that you had to get your work done until tomorrow because of a problem with thr printers or whatever it was. It seemed that you won't sleep today. Well, after a coffee, you would certainly be okay for the night. Or a bunch of them.

When you opened the door to the corridor, your boyfriend was waiting for you.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to finish my doujinshi until tomorrow. I'm going to get a coffee."

He accompanied you to the kitchen:

"Make coffee for two because I'm going to stay up with you."

"Oh, it's not necessary! You shouldn't-"

"Stop right there. You know I would stay with you."

"Oh... But you didn't have too.", you sighed, "I just cause problems..."

"I'm staying up because I want to. Besides, I'm going to do some work. too."

"Ok. Sure. Sorry for this."

"You don't need to apologize over nothing."

"Either way, thank you so much."

The time passed by quick. Minutes became hours and when tat sunrise, you finally finished the doujinshi. Your arms were numb and your hands tired. You couldn't stand straight when you got up. Bruno was still very awake. Maybe his missions made him pass days without sleeping because the man was fresh like he had sleep well.

Bucciarati got up at the same and went to hold you.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't feel my arms...", you said.

"I believe you. Go to sleep a bit now. I'll tell the others to be quiet."

"No. I have college. I already sent my work to my editor but I have college and I can't-"

"Do you prefer to sleep in college? You wouldn't even make the first lesson without getting asleep! I don't think you want people to hear you snore."

"I don't snore!", you said.

"Sure thing. And pigs fly."

"They might as well! I don't snore!"

"Well, I hear it and it's adorable."

"I-I don't-"

"You won't win this argument. Trust me. Now, go to sleep."

"And you?"

"I have work to do."

"No, if I am going to bed, so do you!"

"I can't. You know I have work to do. But I can stay until you fall asleep. Deal?"


So, the main story is almost done. ( ^ ^ ) However, I'll do some more chapters after it's over. Thank you for your support and patience!

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