Chapter 21

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On the morning, you woke up to an empty bed. However, you quickly realized that Bucciarati was in the kitchen. He was preparing breakfast for you two. You went to surprise him and grabbed his shoulders from behind. But Bruno was ready:

"Did you really think I wouldn't hear?", he smiled when he turned to you.

"Oh, you're so mean! Isn't there any way that I can spook you?"

"Don't think so."

"So, what are you doing?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

"Is Mister Bruno with secrets now?", you provoked.

"Fine. I have one thing to confess to you.", he was very serious, so you worried and approached him again.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that... I can't stop loving you."

"Hum, that's understandable. I mean, I'm quite irresistible."

"Oh, you're not gonna say it back?"

"You've got to earn it first, you big baby."

You two laughed and went to eat breakfast. Bruno finished before you, so he waited for you like a gentleman. It was 10 a.m. Your semester had ended some days ago, so you wouldn't have to be worried about school because today was monday. However, before you could finish your breakfast, someone rang on the door. You were getting up but Bucciarati stopped you, telling you that he would go see who was it.

From the kitchen, you couldn't hear who was it but the conversation was delaying much. So you got up and went to check. But before you could even get to the door, you froze in place. You knew those voices. And Bucciarati didn't know what he was doing probably. You ran to the door just to see your parents trying to barge in.

"Hey, listen up, boy! This is my daughters place! I have all the right to get in!", your father yelled.

When they saw you, the look of disgust that you didn't see in one year returned and your heart started to beat fast.

"Mother. Father.", you said, still with your rigid expression.

"(Y/N) (L/N), who is this man?", your mother said.

"Hum... This is Bruno.", you decided to tell the truth because they would find out either way, "My boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend?", your father said in disbilief.

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend. If you wouldn't just want to enter, I might've presented myself, Miss and Mister (L/N)."

"Bruno, let them enter.", you demanded.

Bucciarati got out of the way to your parents, who went to the living room with no explanation. They just went in like they owned the place. They didn't know yet that you weren't using their money anymore. Your boyfriend closed the door and looked at you, worried:

"Look, this isn't a great time but Adriano told me everything about them.", he panicked, whispering, "Do you want me to stay or leave?"

"Please don't leave me alone.", was what you said in fear with your lips trembling. You've never been more scared in your life.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you."

And with that, you two went to the living room to meet your parents who were taking the things out of the walls. The posters that you loved so much.

"You are an adult. Stop liking children things. This is absurd.", your mother said, "You have to be more like a lady."

You didn't respond but Bucciarati was getting angry:

"Sorry but I find (Y/N) very charming even with her tastes and interests.", he crossed his arms, "So please, don't take the things that she loves out of place."

"We are her parents. We know better.", your father said, "And for the record, why are you still here?"

You wanted to confront them but it would made things worst, you were sure of it. So, you didn't talk. However, your boyfriend wasn't having your parents behavior. But when you two exchanged glares, you begged him to not anger them, grabbing his arm.

"Mother. Father. What are you doing here?", you finally asked.

"It was your birthday yesterday. We wanted to come but we only could today.", your father said, finally done with taking things out of the wall, "We didn't have time to buy you a present. But we wanted to come here and see how you were either way."

"I'm fine."

"Are you still drawing those stupid and morally wrong things?", your mother said, opening the door to your office. She laughed, "Of course you are. And that's why you need to stop."

Your heart started beating super fast with the adrenaline going throught your veins:

"We had a deal. I'm on Molecular Biology at college. So you have to-"

"We've figured that you would grow out of it by now...", your mother said, trying to sound friendly. But it wasn't working with you. Neither with Bruno, who was almost exploding at your parents, "We will have a new deal. You'll forget the draws and focus on college. Or we'll stop paying the rent for this house."

You've been prepared for this moment from last year. You couldn't help but smile:

"Ok. You can do it. I'm working at a restaurant. That money is used to pay the rent. The one you give me every month is going to charity."

"You what?!", you father yelled, "You can't be serious!"

"Yes, I am. Go ahead, take the money away. I'm independent now."

" (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), stop with this child play right now!", your mother warned, "You're throwing away your future to draw porn?! What's next, being a whore?! I bet this guy is paying you money! No one would like you.", she lifts her hand and is ready to hit you, "You are disgust-"

You had close your eyes for impact. However, it never came. Bucciarati was in front of you holding your mother's arm:

"I'm afraid you're going too far.", you could tell he was holding the anger in as must as he could. But now, it was too much. Even for him.

"Leave my wife alone!", you father interfered, making Bucciarati release her arm.

"He grabbed me! He grabbed me! I'm going to call the police!", your mother said.

"B-Bruno-", you tried to stop him from yell but it was too late for that too.

"LISTEN UP, YOU PIECES OF GARBAGE!", he snapped, "You can't go to the police because I am the police!", he turned his head to you to apologize in silence for what he was about to say, "I'm Bruno Bucciarati, the Capo of Naples. And if you two don't leave Naples in 24 hours, I will send my team after you, do you fucking understand?! I've had enough! You treat your daughter like garbage and only worry about your image! So if you want to live, I sugest you leave! NOW!", he demanded. You knew he was making bluff about the gang but you didn't care.

Your parents weren't believing him but where shocked. Even you were. You never had seen him this angry.

"We'll call the police right now for them to arrest you then, you thief.", your father continued.

"Again.", Bucciarati started, "You're not listening. Like you don't listen your own daughter."

"Who the hell do you think you are?!", your mother shouted, "I'm her mother! I can say whatever I want to her!"

Your father had the phone at hand by this second:

"That's it. I'm calling someone to arrest him."

Bucciarati smirked:

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'll call the cops myself. They will take you out from here.", Bucciarati's phone was in his hand too, "Hello?", he started on the phone, "Abbacchio?", you didn't know but the ex cop had stayed behind during the mission too to keep things in order, "Can you come to (Y/N)'s apartment?... Yes... Please bring an officer with you... Thank you.", he ended the call, "Now we wait.", he smiled diabolically.

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