Chapter 7

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On friday, you arrived early to college because of your new car. You finally accepted the gift, however, you worn Bucciarati that you didn't want anymore expensive gifts like this one. He nodded but you had a feeling that Bruno wasn't going to keep his promise.

Adriano, who your best friend by as long as you could remember, was already on the classroom and was shocked by seeing you there at that hour. You quickly sat by his side.

"Did you fall out of the bed or something?", he asked you, giggling.

"No! At least, not today... I have a car now, so I don't have to wait for the bus."

"Wait a second. A car? How did you buy a car?"

"Actually I didn't. It was gifted to me.", you blushed, thinking of Bucciarati.

"By who?"

"I'll tell you if you promise me you won't say it to anyone."

Adriano smirked:

"Do you have a secret admire now?"

"Promise me!"

"Ok, ok. I promise. You know that I can keep secrets.", he opened his bottle of water ans started drinking from it.

"Ok... It's from Bucciarati..."

He choked on his water and almost spat it all out. Adriano looked at you in disbelief.

"(Y/N), you are joking, right?"

"Why would I?"

Adriano seemed to be thinking about something and then opened his mouth:

"Were you the girl that slapped him?!"

"WHA- How do you know about that?!", you panicked.

Your best friend laughed at you. He was almost crying:

"It was you, after all! I already forgot how I knew about it but some people saw Bucciarati give a girl a present and she slapped him. Let me tell you, you have some guts, (Y/N)! But, why did he give you a car?"

"W-Well... Bruno basically declared himself to me and I-"

"Wait wait! The most powerful guy in Naples declared himself to you?"

"Yes...", you said, a small smile forming on your lips, "I was so stressed out because of the deadline I had to meet that I exploded on him. I already apologized and-"

"Do you realized that your behavior is totally cut out from anime?"

"That's why I'm so embarassed about it... Yesterday, before apologizing, when I realized that I hit a mafia member, I was so scared. But Bruno was really calm and nice with me."

Adriano giggled.

"What's so funny?", you added.

"You keep calling him Bruno. It's adorable.", he pouted.

"W-Well, he said I could call him that."

"Ok. So... Are you dating him now?"

"Of course not! I need to get to know him first."

"And he needs to get to know you. You have the consciousness that he will run, right? After all, you draw bruabba and yaoi."

"Adriano! Keep it down!", you whispered, seeing some of your classmates walking in the classroom, "Besides, on which side are you on? He told me that he wouldn't run. And I want to trust him."

"You know what happened to you on school when you trusted a guy besides me, right?"

"It won't be like that.", you started to remember some things that you didn't want to.

"Just be careful, ok? I don't wan't anything bad to happen to you. You went through hell on school. I don't want it to happen again."

"I know, I know. But I'm not a child anymore. I can make my own decisions."

"Ok... But don't forget I'm always here for you."

"Thank you."


At the end of the day, you went to get your car at the parking lot and Adriano went with you. He wanted to see the car Bucciarati gave you. It was a Alfa Romeo Giulia. It was beautiful, you had to admit. But you knew how much that costs and it wasn't cheap at all.

"Damn, the guy must really like you."

You didn't respond. You only told him to get in with you. Adriano just smirked and entered in the car with you. He wanted to go grab something at Libbeccio's and work there a bit on his assignments.

When you got there, your parked in front of the restaurant. Your best friend went to sit at a table and you went to dress yourself in your working outfit. Then, you went to attend some costumers, knowing that Bucciarati's gang was in the other side of the restaurant. You were curious if Bruno had notice you already. However, you continued to do your job until all the clients were served.

By that time, you went to talk a little with Adriano.

"So, how is it going?", you asked, smiling.

"Almost done. I think I'm going home now."

"Ok. Be safe."

"It's me who should say that.", he messed up your hair while patting your head. After all, you told him what happened that night when Bucciarati helped you.

"HEY!", you laughed, "Just go home, Adri! We'll see each other on monday."

"See ya.", he walked out of the restaurant.

Then, you felt a presence behind you. It was no other than Bruno Bucciarati himself.

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