Chapter 32

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Today, you were agitated. After all, it's your and Bruno's first anniversary. You had picked a present but you still didn't give it to him. On this moment, you were exiting one of the auditoriums and went to look for Adriano. After all, he didn't have that class with you and you wanted him to calm you down like he always did.

You didn't find him on his classroom, so you went to look in the campus. That is, until you heard his voice coming from a corner of the third floor. You called his name at the same time you turned the corner. Your heart started beating fast because of what you were seeing. Adriano quickly let go of Antonio's hand and blushed:


You giggled diabolically:

"Antonio, I just need Adri for five minutes."

"No problem.", the guy said, "Adriano, I'll be waiting in our usual spot."

Your fangirl side was screaming inside of you and when Antonio finally went away, you hugged your best friend:

"I knew it, I knew it! I knew that he was perfect for you!"

Adriano was clearly embarassed:

"I didn't want to hide it from you but-"

"I'm not worried about that! I just like to see  you happy! But... Since when are you two dating? I mean, you clearly gave him a kiss, so..."

"Oh. since two months ago..."

"My boy, all grown up, now. I'm almost in tears..."

"Oh, stop it, you crazy fangirl!", he rubbed your head and you started to laugh, "So, what did you want from me? I was occupied."

"I could see that, yes.", you smiled. Then you remembered what brought you there, "So, I have the gift for Bruno but I'm nervous. What if he doesn't like it?"

"If it's you who give it to him, Bucciarati is going to love it. And you know it. So, go give it to him."

"Maybe you're right..."

"Of course I am."

Before you could say anything, your phone rang.


"Tesoro, I've been waiting for 20 minutes outside your college. Where are you?"

"You're here?!", you almost screamed.

"Of course. Where would I be today of all the days?"

"I'll be right there! Give me a second!"

You hang up and looked at your friend, who was smirking:

"It seems that he can't be apart from you much time."

"Oh, don't be like that! It's our anniversary!"

"Go. Antonio is waiting for me too."

"Sure. But we'll have to talk later!"

"Yes, I know.", he sighed.

You ran until the college entrance, where Bucciarati was standing, close with his car. You couldn't help but smile. There were people staring at the mafia capo but that didn't bother you when you threw yourself to his arms, kissing him. Bruno hugged you back.

"I've been waiting for you...", he said, hugging you more strongly.

"Sorry, I was just talking with Adri. I didn't expect my knight in shinny armor to come get me today.", you said, kissing his cheek.

"But here I am."

"Indeed. So where are we going, Bruno?"

"For now, we're going to go home. I reserved a table at a restaurant for dinner and it's still too early. Besides, my gift is at home.", when he said gift, your heart skipped a beat.

"I have mine here. But I'll give it to you when we get home."

"Ok.", he smiled, happily.


Bucciarati gave you a bracelet and a pair of earrings. You really liked them. But now it was time for you to give him your gift. You were sitting on the bed with him, so you grabbed your bag and grabbed a small box. He looked curious when you handed it to him.

"Oh my God. Are these-"

"Yup.", you smiled, seeing him so excited for your gift.

He quickly took out his hair hooks and put on the ones you gave him. They were still golden like the ones he had but were build in a dragonfly shape. Bruno came to hug you and thank you for the present.

"I'll wear this every day now.", he sounded totally serious.

You just giggled:

"Glad you liked it.", and you kissed him.

Bruno hugged you while he kissed you passionately. That is, until someone knocked on the door. You stopped abruptly when the person opened the door. Trish entered:

"Bucciarati, there's someone on the phone for you."

"Oh. Tell them that I'm occupied at the mom-"

"Go.", you said, "I'll be here. Besides, I need to get dressed up for the dinner."

"Oh, go with Trish to do that.", he got out of the bed, "I bought something for you."


Trish pushed you to her room while Bucciarati entered his office. The girl closes the door and you see a huge bag on her bed.

"Bucciarati bought you a dress with my help. I just hope you like it.", she said, opening the bag,

Trish got a dark blue dress with some glitter from inside the bag. You opened your mouth. It was beautiful for sure. But you could see it wasn't cheap at all.

"Try it on! I'll help you get on it."

You gladly accepted her help. No way you're going to get on that dress all by yourself. It fit like a glove. It was so confortable too. Your boyfriend always get you nice things and you simply gave him some hair hooks. You were sad because of that. You had to compensate him somehow.

Before you could think of anything else, Abbacchio entered the room without even knocking.

"Abbacchio!", you and Trish said at the same time.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm here to do your makeup, (Y/N). Now, come with me."


"Yes. Are you even considering go without makeup to the place that Bucciarati is going to go with you?"

"Well, not exa-"

"Hey! I was going to the makeup.", Trish complained.

"You must be crazy. I wouldn't trust you to do something this important.", Abbacchio complained, grabbing my arm, "(Y/N), please come with me."

Before you had a say in the matter, you got dragged out of there to the corridor. The other boys were waiting there to see you in the dress.

"Oh, you look amazing!", Giorno noticed.

"Man, Bucciarati sure is lucky.", Mista sighed.


Half anhour later, you were done with the makeup and Narancia came to the room saying that Bucciarati was waiting for you downstairs. You got your shoes on and grabbed your bag, nervously.

"You look perfect.", said Fugo, entering your room, "Don't be nervous."

"You think so? I don't know why I'm nervous..."

"You're going to be fine, (Y/N)."

"You're probably right.", you smiled, "Wish me good luck!"

You got out of the room and carefully, got down the stairs. Bucciarati was waiting for you at the end of it. He has a simple white suit with a dark blue tie, matching your dress. You couldn't help but smile, seeing him blush. He offered you his hand and kissed it.

"I know you would look good but this is too much."

"You look amazing too.", you replied.

"Now, should we go?"

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