Being Complete

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Seven months into the pregnancy...

Your mood swings started to worsen. So much that you started to feel ugly and you didn't know what Bucciarati found attractive in you. You had an enormous belly and your legs were getting fat as well as the rest of your body. You felt really embarrassed about this. So today, when Bucciarati went to lie down with you at bed time, you decided to ask:

"Honey, what do you find attractive in me?"

"What kind of question is that?", he laughed.

But of course you started to cry. And then your husband understood that you were being serious.

"Please don't cry! What's wrong?"

"I'm fat now and ugly! I can't do anything on my own now and, and-"

In this moment, Bucciarati kissed you.

"I love you, (Y/N). Of course I find you attractive. We're married and you're doing to have my children. Of course I'm attracted to you. You are beautiful. Besides, it's only two more months. And no matter what you look like, I'll always love you."


"Really. This should be clear but I'll say it daily if it makes you confortable and happy. I love you. (Y/N)."

Nine months in...

"GO GET THE FUCKING CAR KEYS!", you screamed as you feel that your waters broke and that there was some liquid going down your legs. You started to tremble.

Bucciarati, who was reading a book on the bed, quickly got up:



"Oh my fucking God!"

Your legs gave in one second and before you could even try to stand up straight again, Bucciarati's Stand caught you.

Trish opened the door to your room just to see you hanging in the air and Bucciarati putting on his shoes.

"TRISH!", he throws her the car keys, "GET THE CAR STARTING NOW!"

She runs down the stairs. You start to tremble with the contractions. Bruno tried to tranquilize you, saying that everything was going to be fine. The other members of the gang were on a mission, so you were left alone with Bruno and Trish.

Your husband got your bag and started walking out of the room with you in Sticky Fingers' arms. You three got down the stairs and heard Bruno's car engine being started. So he opened the door and took you out.

"Bruno, I'm literally floating in the air! What if people see?"

"Shit, you're right.", he said as he made you descend to his arms.

Trish opened the back door for you to lay down there as Bucciarati entered the front door. Trish went to close the house's door and got by your husband's side.


You went into the labor's room and had to be there for three hours until the two babies were in your arms.

Bruno held you hand the whole time and Trish was just outside the door, waiting for your return.

Bucciarati cried when the two babies where finally out of you and were in your arms. You did your best to hold them as gently as possible as you cried too.

"I love you so much, (Y/N). And you two, Angela and Matteo. Welcome to the family."


You went to a room and Bucciarati insisted to have you sleep in the most luxuous room at the hospital. You didn't even had the forces to resist him. Giving birth to twins was a terrifying experience. The pain, the suffering... But then, to see them in your arms, it was the best feeling possible.

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