Chapter 16

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Your POV

One month later, Bucciarati still didn't ask you to be his girlfriend. But you didn't mind. You loved your dates with him and loved every conversation that you shared. He was so lovely and so caring. His smile made every day better without a dout.

Today, you packed some things to go to Trish's sleepover. She invited you a while ago and you couldn't say no. Not that you wanted to say no. You wanted to spend time with her. After all, she's a fujoshi like you. The night certainly wouldn't be boring.

So, after your job, you went to the gang's house. It was one week until the end of the semester and you already presented all your works, so you had more free time. Trish was already by the window to see you coming and when she saw you park, she went to open the door almost at the same second:

"Hello (Y/N)! I have the night all planned up!"

"Just let me get my bag and I'll be right there!"

When you entered the house, everyone came to say hi and then returned to their things. Well, everyone except Bucciarati that told you two to have fun and then finally went to his office upstairs. You and Trish passed by it on the way to her room.

You had to admit. She had an impressive colection of books too. Trish had your favorites as well as others that you didn't have much knowlege on. However, you were impressed  because she had all of your own books and doujinshis.

After dinner, you went to see some episodes of Demon Slayer because you still hadn't the opportunity to watch that anime. You stood on her room until 11 p.m. when someone knocked on the girls door. It was Bucciarati.

"Hey.", he said, "Trish, you better go to sleep soon. You have a mission tomorrow with Fugo and Mista."

"Today of all the days! Come on!", she whinned.

"It's fine. I can come here again.", you smiled, "I'm tired too.", you suported Bucciarati.

Trish had a bed big enough for you two so you would sleep with her. On your mind, you were expecting Bucciarati to stand up and telling the girl that you were spleeping with him. However, that never happened.

Almost at 1 a.m., you woke up because of Trish's movements. The girl was snoring loudly and you couldn't sleep anymore. You tried by at least half an hour before giving up. You became bored and got out of the bed, getting of the room. That was when you saw that Bucciarati's light on the office was still turned on. You peeked inside and you saw him still writing something on some papers.

Bucciarati noticed something moving so he looked up to see you there standing up. You quickly waved and asked what he was doing still up.

"Come in and close the door.", the man said.

You did what was told to you and approached Bucciarati's desk.

"I'm almost finished. Why are you up?"

"Trish snores and moves a lot on her sleep. I couldn't sleep again.", you explained, "You should go sleep too. It's late."

"A Capo has many tasks. Not just going out on the field."

"What's a Capo?"

"To put it simple: it's a sub boss."

"Oh, ok... Capo Bucciarati sounds good to me too.", you smiled.

The man blushed slightly. Hearing you call him by Capo made him really happy. And really horny too. However, of course he wouldn't do anything to you. You were dating for only a month. He had to control himself. What was he thinking? He wasn't a horny teenager like Narancia, Fugo and even Giorno.  However, the man wasn't letting you get away from him.

"Come sit, (Y/N)."

You blushed:


"Come here."

You went around the table to find that Bucciarati was pointing to his lap. You sat there with your heart racing. You weren't expecting this offer. Yet, of course, you weren't ignoring it. Bruno continued to work on his papers with his head on your shoulder to see what he was doing. His other arm was surrounding your belly.

After five minutes, he stopped writing and placed that arm on top of the other one.

"What are you doing, Bruno?", you asked nervously.

He didn't answer. You felt him move his head along your neck and then he finally said:

"You smell like roses..."

You felt his lips on your skin and before you know it, he was kissing your neck. With the sudden realization, you told him to stop. But of course, stubborn as he was, he didn't listen to you, continuing kissing you slowly. You knew you felt good but you had to bit your lip to avoid making any sounds. At the same time, you tried to get out of his grasp. But it was a little difficult.

"B-Bruno...", you said as quietly as you could, "Please stop...", then you let out a moan. You heard him smirk whike still kissing you. His grasp grew stronger, "I beg you to stop... Come on...", without thinking and without knowing where you were touching, you pushed a book out of the table, that made a loud sound when it reached the floor, "Bruno Bucciarati, I swear to God..."

Bucciarati finally stopped, reliecing you from his arms. You finally got out of his lap and picked the book up. While this was all happening, Bucciarati just looked at your blushing state, proud of what he did. However, you weren't as pleased as him.

"You look really cute right now.", was what he said while you fulminated him with your intense gaze.

"Lesson learned. I'll never sit at your lap ever again.", you said, angry at him.

"Oh, come on, tesoro.", he got up, "You liked it.", he took your hands into his.

"That's not the point that I-"

"I know it's not. Please just give me this small victory."

"Sure. Whatever, I'll return to Trish's room."

Before you could move, Bucciarati grabbed your arm:

"Where do you think you're going? You're going to stay with me. And before you even ask, in the morning, I'll say to Trish that you couldn't sleep because she snores loudly. Problem solved."

You got dragged into a big room with a white bed with dark sheets on the middle. It was dark for you to know what more was in there, so you let yourself be guided by Bucciarati. He said to you to go under the covers, also saying that he was going to change in the bathroom.

Moments later, Bruno returned with some shorts and a dark blue t-shirt. He let his hair clips on the bedside table and got under the covers with you. His bed was even bigger than Trish's. So, he was in the lef side of the bed and you on the right side, without touching each other. However, you were waiting for him to say something but he never did. So you decided to say:

"What if I have nightmares?"

"Then, come here.", he opened his arms and let you get close enought to feel his warmth.

"It may be a huge nightmare."

Bucciarati smirked and hugged you against his chest:

"Now the monsters won't get you."

"I'm sure they won't."

"Have a good night, (Y/N)."

"You too, Bruno."

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