Chapter 22

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You didn't believe what was happening. After Bucciarati called Abbacchio, he sat down on the couch and invited your parents to do the same.

"Br-Bruno, you shouldn't ha-", you tried to say.

"I can't just look at your parents treating you like garbage.", he gave them a menacing look, "I won't allow that."

In ten minutes, someone knocked on your door. You got up almost instantly and went to open it. Abbacchio looked at you and he seemed worried. By his side, there was a real cop.

"Good morning ma'am.", the officer said.

"G-Good morning to you too. Come in, please.", you said, slightly alarmed.

Your parents quickly got up and started yelling at the police officer, telling him to arrest Bucciarati before the poor man could even see him. So, Abbacchio decided to intervine:

"Stop yelling!", the ex cop said. But your parents weren't having it either, "Boss", he turned to Bucciarati, "What the fuck is going on here?"

You looked at your parents who didn't yet believe that your boyfriend was on the mafia and was one of the bosses. However, when Abbacchio talked with him, they finally understood that it was true.

"Mr Bucciarati.", the office said, "What's the problem here?", he asked when your parents stopped shouting.

"Please take this people out of Naples."

"Do you want to fill a report?"

Bruno looked at you and you nodded, before saying:

"No, that's not necessary. Just take them out of my sight."

"Why are you sidding with him, (Y/N)?! We are your parents!", your father said, "Are you really with that stupid gangster?!"

"H-He's not like that.", you said, "I love him.", you grab his arm, "You never loved me as he does."

"We didn't want to tell you this at this visit but we're moving to Naples because of work. You can't get rid of us!", your mother said.

"But we can.", the officer said, "I'll give the order on the police so that you can't approaced Miss (Y/N). We could do worst but we'll stick with what Mr Bucciarati says."

"What?! T-This is-", your parents said at the same time.

"I think I can take it from here, so I think you can go now, Officer Alessandro. Thank you.", Abbacchio said.

"Oh, happy to help, Leone.", he smiled, "Every time you need. Now, I'll fill the papers. If you have trouble again, don't hesitate to call. Have a good day.", and he got out of your house.

"Is there any money we can pay you to leave her alone?", your father asked in defeat.

"Just get them out of here, Abbacchio.", your boyfriend didn't even respond to your parents.

"Wait! Please, we'll give you all the money we have. Just leave her alone.", your mother begged, "We'll go to the bank right now and-"

"Stop talking.", Abbacchio warned, "Don't you think you are making it all worst?! You are trying to buy your daughter, you pieces of shit. " 

And with that, they were gone. You finally let go of Bucciarati and felt sick. You immediately dropped down on yout floor, crying. All your boyfriend could do was hugging you and assuring you that you were safe now. But you don't felt safe. You thought that you were pass the feelings of not being wanted by now but it still hurt.


"Am I a bad daughter?", was the first thing you asked one hour later of you and Bruno being laid down on your bed.

"No, you're not. You're perfect."

"Then why? Why can't they accept me?"

"Because they don't think about you how they should. They think about you as an object to show and not as a person who has her own emotions and feelings."

"What do you see in me?"

"Everything they don't."

"I'm so lucky to have you.", you were feeling a little bit better, "But are you sure you don't want to sell me? My parents have money."

"I have money too. I've told you that. I like you and I won't permit that anyone touches you or even looks at you on a bad way."

"My knight in shinny armour."

"Your knight is always here for you."

"But when you are on a mission, they can still come after me. After all, they'll move here."

"Did you forget that the officer was here and what he said? He's a friend of Abbacchio so you don't have too worry."

"I just wanted them to talk to me and don't judge me. Is that too much to ask?"

"No. They will understand sooner or later, I'm certain."

"If you say so..."

"Do you want to stay here or-"

"I want to stay here with you, Bruno."

"Ok, tesoro. Everything for you."

Hello guys, sorry for the small chapter but I've been busy. Probably tomorrow I won't upload a chapter but expect a big one on the next day! ( ^ ^ ) Thank you for your understanding.

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