Chapter 9

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On saturday, you did your college homework and watched some anime in the afternoon, before work. And, after dinner, you went to prepare the things to present to your editor on the next day.

On sunday, you were both excited and nervous. In the morning, you went to the meeting feeling nervous. However, your editor approaved all your pages and sent them to the printer. One step done. Then, you went to grab lunch on a small cafe. However, the better part of the day was starting now. You drove to the gang's mansion.

You didn't even need to ring the bell on the door because Bucciarati was already on the door, waiting for you.

"Hello.", you said.

"Hi.", he let you enter and then closed the door, "So", Bruno whispered, "How was it?"

"It went well! I'm going to get the boxes tomorrow."

"Oh, about that...", he sigh, sadly, "I can't go with you on monday. I have a mission to do. But I'll go with Trish and Narancia on the weekend. And don't worry, I won't say a thing if I spot you."

"Oh, ok. You better not say a word or I'll be ve-."

"Very mad? You must be cute all angered."

"Y-You need to stop. That's too smooth."

He approached his head to yours:

"Too smooth? I think I'm not being smooth enough, tesoro."

You couldn't help but smile.

"J-Just stop, you big baby."

"Oh, now I'm a baby? I should feel ofended.", he laughed.

"But you won't be mad at me, right?"

"STOP IT, LOVEBIRDS!", Abbacchio shouted from the living room, "Weren't we here too watch some fucking kids show? Come on!"

You seemed confused. Abbacchio was watching as well?! You got to the living room and the whole gang was there, looking at you. Trish had saved a sit by her side for you. But you looked back at Bruno who was just behind you. He understood why you were confused and answered:

"You are a guest. It's your first time here. So, all of them agreed to stay here a little bit with you."

"Oh.", you bowed in front of them, "Thank you so much."

"Just come sit, girl!", Trish called you, turning on the tv and entering Crunchyroll, "So, what will we show them?"

"I just have one request. Please don't be one of your sports anime.", Narancia begged, "I'm down for anything but that."

"(Y/N), what are you thinking about?"

"What about Given?"

"Oh! That's good! But we have to think of another one. It has to be an anime that they will possibly like."

"Hum... What about Banana Fish?"

"Banana Fish?!", Mista laughed, "What the fuck is that?!"

Trish ignored him:

"I think that's a good idea!"

"Wait Trish, is that the one where you cried at the last episode?", Fugo asked.

"Yup. That one.", she smiled.

Bruno came sit by your other side. Narancia and Giorno were at the floor. MIsta was on a sofa of his own and Abbacchio and Fugo were on another one. The first episode started when Trish pressed the play buton.


Roughly one hour later, when you finished the third episode, Abbacchio got up:

"That's it. I'm done with this shit."

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