Chapter 1: What the hell is going on?

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Kara's POV

I got on the ship with Alex to go back to Earth. I brought her with me on the trip to Argo to show her a glimpse of what Krypton was like. The week long vacation was fun and full of happy memories. I sat beside my sister and looked out one last time. As I took in the last few moments of the landscape I thought about one person in particular. Lena. The green trees and the busy city made me miss Earth.

Rao knew that Lena was my best friend in this entire galaxy and I wanted to share this with her too. Now that we've made up from the rocky past after she found out I was Supergirl I feel that we can move forward. The whole ordeal had brought us closer in a way and I was excited to be back in National City. Bringing her brother had also helped. Especially with proving that she was still fighting for our side. Not that she ever left. More just fighting blindly through her hurt and heartache. I knew what that felt like and forgave her fairly quickly.

Alex started the ship and off we went. It was an hours flight back home so I got comfortable. I sat back in my chair and watched the stars pass by through the window.

"What are you thinking about?" Alex asks.

Lena Luthor.

"Nothing in particular. Why?" I say nonchalantly.

"First, you have a crinkle. Second, you've had this dreamy, far away look on your face since we took off. What are you thinking about?" She asks again.

"Nothing" I respond. I turn to see Alex watching me through narrowed eyes.

"Nothing doesnt put that happy grin on your face. Seriously tell me" she presses.

Alex still hasn't completely forgiven Lena for what she did. I can understand from her protective sister point of view, but I couldnt tell her that I was smiling because of her yet.

"Really Alex. It's nothing important. I'm just excited to be going back home and seeing everyone again" I say.

I wasnt really lying and Alex could tell so she didnt ask about it anymore. Once we landed at the DEO I went straight to my phone to call my friend. I pressed Lena's number and waited for her to answer. I could hear it continue to ring and the voicemail came up. Odd. She always answers her phone. I furrow my brows in worry and call a second time. When she doesnt answer I debate whether I should tell Alex.

I decided against it and go to J'onn instead.

"J'onn? Have you seen Lena around? I called her to let her know I was back but she didnt answer" I explain. J'onn gives me a confused look and shakes his head.

"Who's Lena?" He asks.

"Lena? Lena Luthor?" He still looks at me funny and I tilt my head to the side.

"J'onn I've known her for years. Shes my best friend? Went a little off the rails when she found out I was Supergirl but shes helped us plenty of times. Come on. Of course you know who she is" I say.

"I'm sorry Kara I dont know who that is" he shrugs.

I go to the computer where Winn is working and move him over.

"Hey! You could just ask for help you know" he mumbles. I type in Lena's name and nothing pops up. I ask a few other agents around and they all shake their heads. 

Theres a sinking feeling in my gut and I begin to panic. I run to find Alex and she holds up her hands to stop me from running into her.

"Okay. Wait before you trample me over and tell me why you look like you forgot something important" she says.

"I'm not the one that forgot! Alex, it seems like no one knows who Lena is!" I say.

"What do you mean they dont know who Lena is?" She scrunches up her nose.

"I tried to call her to tell her I was back. Shes didnt answer so I asked J'onn. He claimed he had no idea who she was. I looked her up in the database and came up empty. I asked some agents and none of them knew who she was either!" I gasp.

"Okay, just take some deep breaths. So, everyone had Lena wiped from their minds?" She says. I nod my head and motion for her to follow me.

"How is that even possible. J'onn can mind wipe people but that would have taken forever. There isnt really a reason for him to do that either" Alex reasons.

We make it to the break room and I grab a juice box from my emergency stash in the fridge that Lena got for me. I poke the straw into it and take a sip.

"What are we going to do? I have no idea where she is!" I say. I take another sip as Alex paces in front of me.

"Why dont you fly around? Maybe you'll see her or try listening for her? I would check Lcorp first and then check her aprtament" she says.

"Im worried Alex. I know that things have been rough for us for a while but shes still my best friend" I say quietly. I continue to sip my juice box when I hear the TV in the break room.

"An unidentified woman was found near the docks of National City with apparent amnesia. Authorities are asking for anyone who might know her identity to step forward. Here is a picture of her now and can be found at National Coty hospital" the news reporter says.

I look up to the screen to see a picture of Lena with a lightly beaten face. My eyes widen and the juice box falls to the floor.

"Oh my Rao! It's her! I have to go get her Alex. No one remembers who she is!" I start to head to the door when Alex stops me.

"Wait Kara. Everyone else may have forgotten her but whoever did this probably hasn't. We need to be smart about this. You have to go down there and get her but you have to make something up. Create another identity for her. She is no longer Lena Luthor. We have to watch her while we figure out who is behind this" she says.

I nod my head and leave. I fly to the hospital and find a secluded area to change into my Kara Danvers outfit. I walk through the hospital doors with my heart thumping in my chest. I approach the receptionist and she smiles at me. My mind races as I try to think of what to say.

"I'm here to pick up my wife. The woman with amnesia" I say quickly.

"Wonderful! We've been waiting for someone to claim her. She is on the third floor in Room 315. So happy that you've found her!"

I walk away and make my way to the elevator. What the hell just happened?? Why did I say that!?

I wait to be let off and walk to her room. I could hear people talking and I knock on the door. A man in a white coat opens the door and asks me why I was there.

"Um, I'm here for her. Shes, uh, my wife. I just want to take her home now" I stumble out.

"Oh splendid! Go right on in!" He says. I step into the room and Lena is sitting up in the bed with her eyes trained on me.

I fidget with my hands and stand there awkwardly.

"Who are you?" She asks. Her green eyes are narrowed and she studies me.

"Um, I'm your wife. You left to work on something and you had an accident. I didnt know until I saw you in the news" I explain.

"Wait, I'm gay!? What is my name? What was I working on? Why didnt you come sooner? What the hell is going on?" She questions.

I try to calm her down and reach for her hand. She pulls away abruptly and scowls at me.

"I dont remember you. How do I know you're telling the truth? I need proof that you are indeed my wife before you come any further" she says. Her business tone shone through and I couldnt help but smile. At least shes still Lena.

"Your name is Lena-.... Danvers. I can bring proof tomorrow if youd like. After I can take you home and take care of you" I respond.

I wanted to bring her home now so that I could protect her but I knew how technical she is. Lena nods her head and I leave the room in silence.

Oh Rao. How am I going to explain this to Alex?

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