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Bella's POV

It is a cold night and I was sitting out in the backyard drinking a cup of tea.

My mother and grandmother are in the house fighting about what to do with me. What to do about the 'accidents' that keep happening around me. These 'accidents' are what get me bullied at school so bad that my mother doesn't know how to handle it. Usually I get sent home cause I've punched back or because I'm so badly beaten I can't do school work.

See I can make things move without meaning them to. I want something and it happens. Like that one time in school there was a book I wanted from the top shelf but I was to short to reach it. I held out my hand trying to reach it and it just flew into my hand.

It's been happening more and more as I've gotten older and people called me a freak. I can't control them sometimes I think about things and they just happen I don't mean to but...

The bullying got worse after Daisy Thompson saw me use my power one day. She labelled me a freak and since then my life has been shit. No one understands me. No one will ever understand what it is like without powers.

"Hello there," I looked up to see a woman standing in my backyard with bright red hair, pale skin and red eyes.

"What? Who are you? What are you doing? How are you here?" I yelped and put my hands out, "I can move things with my mind so don't make me use it." The red head smirked, "I am Victoria little human."

"I'm 13 I'm not little," I glared at her. The smirk did not leave her face, "I've told you my name now would you care to tell me yours?"

"Bella," I kept glaring at her.

"Isabella well you currently live up to the name," she purred and I blushed. "Beautiful very beautiful indeed," she walked closer to me and I slowly put my hands down. "What... what are you doing here?" I asked and she lightly pushed my hands the rest of the way down. "I smelt an amazing scent and I followed it and here you are," she took a deep breath in and purred.

"Sa...scent?" My body started to heat up this woman even though she's so much older then me I feel attracted to her. "I've never though it was possible to feel this way for a human before," she traced a long nail against my jaw.

"What... what are you?" I asked and she smirked, "oh I am your nightmare dressed like a dream." She purred my face heating up, "am I dreaming?" I asked the woman and she looked into my brown eyes. "Yes I'm a dream I will visit you every night in your dreams until you are of age then I will take you to be my bride," she picked me up and put me down on the lounge chair.

"We will be together soon my love," she purred and I closed my eyes and when I opened them she was gone.

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