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Bella's POV

It has been 5 days since my sleepover with the good Cullens i.e. everyone except Edward and Dr Cullen. I don't know what those two's problems are but anyway I'm back at school and I'm excited for the weekend tomorrow because Alice invited me to watch them play baseball.

Charlie doesn't mind me hanging around the Cullen women because he knows they will protect me. Edward hasn't tried anything in school yet and neither has anyone else. They must be really scared of Charlie.

"BELLA!" I turned to see Alice calling me while walking with Rose. "Hey Ali, hey Rose," Ali came up and hugged me. "Are you excited for baseball tomorrow?" Rose asked and I smiled, "yeah actually I am. I've never played before let alone with a... family before." Rose smirked, "well prepare to loose Bella." I laughed and jumped on her back, "more like you prepare to loose Rose. Little sister's always win and since your older then me I'll win no problem."

Alice laughed with me and Rose smirked, "oh we'll see about that." I fell off Rose's back laughing, "oh we will see... see you fail against little me."

The bell rang telling us to go home. "Woohoo!" I yelled and ran out the school doors, "Bella!" They both followed me and I stopped and turned around, "come on slow pokes." Rose and Ali caught up to me and we walked to Rose's car headed to the field for baseball.

*An Hour Later*

"So Bella do you think you can handle throwing a ball to vampires?" Emmett smirked at me and Edward growled, "oh you bet I can cause unlike you I don't have to have muscles to show I'm strong." Jasper smirked and Edward growled, "Bella that is not anyway to talk to a man."

Esme growled, "and that is no way to talk to a woman." Esme pulled me in protectively. Since I found out that they were vampires Esme, Rose and Ali have been very protective and touchy with me. Not that I mind I actually quite like it. "It's time," I smiled and got on the pitcher's base and Rose got up to bat.

"Hey Rose," I grabbed the ball and threw it up in the air catching it with my powers then moved back like I had a basketball and was about to throw it to someone then I pushed my powers out speeding the ball to Rose who smashed her bat into it.

A loud crash flew threw the air. I laughed, "woohoo I can do it!" Alice smiled and Rose was outed. We kept playing until Alice called for us to stop, "someone is coming!" Rose was at my side in seconds and pulled my hair down.

Soon I was behind Esme and Alice. Rose was beside me. I looked over Ali's shoulder to see three people about 10 foot away but suddenly one caught my eye. Red eyes, Bright red hair and absolutely beautiful look like she stepped out of my dreams. Tori. I pulled my hand from Rose and ran over, "TORI!"

Edward pulled me away and into his arms, "HEY LET ME GO!" I screamed at the stupid vampire but soon I was out of his arms and in nice cold arms that relax me and comfort me. "Hello my Bella," she purred. "Hey Tori," I smiled blushing as my name rolls off her tongue.

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