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Alice's POV

My siblings and I are just sitting around the living room. Victoria left upstairs to go talk to Bella a while ago. "What's to bet Bella's up there having sex right now?" Emmett turned to Rose smirking. "Emmett!" Esme yelled at my brother and I smirked at him, "100% you know how mates can me after just finding each other again." Rose shook her head, "don't encourage him." I smiled but got sucked into a vision.

I saw Bella she looked up at me and smiled, "hey Ali do you think you can get me some blood the baby is hungry?" My eyes widen as I looked at Bella who was clearly heavily pregnant, "sure O negative again?" I turned to see myself with a blood bag in hand. "Has Tori come back yet?" I slowly walked over to look at Bella, "no sorry Bella but she shouldn't be to long who knows when your due it could be any second now." The heavily pregnant Bella walked over and cuddled my future self. "Thank you Ali you're the best," I watched as my brown eyed sister drank out of the blood bag making a disgusted face. "Have you thought of any names for her?"

I was pulled from my vision and saw Jasper in front of me, "What did you see?" Bella walked down the stairs in a sleep shirt, sleep shorts and socks. Victoria was right behind her and was looking over at me, "why are you staring at us?" Bella walked over to me and I couldn't stop looking at her. She can't be pregnant how would that even happen?

"Ali?" Bella takes Jasper's place in front of me, "what did you see?" I reached out my hand and cupped her face, "you..." I whispered and she looked up at me confused, "what was I doing Ali?" She can't be pregnant she'd have to have sex with a someone that wasn't female and as far as I know she was a virgin for Victoria. "Ali... talk to me..." I looked into Bella's dark brown eyes, "have you had sex with anyone beside Victoria?" I asked her and she shook her head, "no... Ali what is going on?"

"Bella... I saw you drinking blood... you were different..." I shouldn't be the one telling her this. What are we going to do. "Ali tell me what your hiding from me," she searched my eyes for an answer.

"Bella I don't know... maybe my vision is wrong I don't know how it can be possible." I looked over to Victoria, "you did it but how?" The vampire looked at me confused, "did what?" I looked into her eyes to see confusion. "You're different aren't you. That's the only thing I can think of. It was rumoured about that some females aren't all female but I didn't believe it."

Victoria's eyes grew scared, "what! How did you..." Bella put her hand up to stop the scared vampire. "Ali what did you see?" She asked me and I had no choice I had to tell her, "Bella you were pregnant heavily pregnant."

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