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Bella's POV

I walked into Bio and sat in my usual seat next to Edward, "What happened Friday." He stared at me and I rolled my eyes, "you really need to learn manners from your brothers and sisters."

He glared at me, "leave my family out of this now what did you do I saw you." I sighed, "I'm not going to tell you shit." He growled, "I'm your boyfriend now tell me what happened." My eyes widen and then I glared at him, "get the fuck off my case and in no way am I going out with a guy who wears more makeup then me so fuck off."

"MISS. SWAN!" I turned to see the teacher, "GO TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE!" Edward smirked at me and I got my things, "fine by me." I walked out of the classroom and to the Principal's office.

"Hello honey what can I do for you today?" The lady in the office asked. "My teacher sent me here cause he has a boner for Edward Cullen," she looked at me shocked. "Uh Miss. Swan come in your father has been called," my eyes widen. "All because I didn't want to be harassed by a student?" He rolled his eyes, "you can tell your side of the story when your father gets here."

I sat down in Mr. Greene's office watching the time go by, "Bells?" I looked up to see dad, "Dad it's not what you think." I told him and he just puts his hand on my head, "what is the meaning of this Harold." Dad asked the principal almost fuming.

"Mr. Banner told me he saw your daughter Sheriff swearing and bully Mr. Cullen so much so that Mr. Cullen has asked to go home," he glared at me then dad turned to me. "What happened Bells?" I looked up to my dad then to the principal then back to dad, "I just got into class and sat down then Mr. Cullen started to ask about Friday over and over again so when I told him I wasn't going to tell him anything he said that he's my boyfriend and that I have to tell him. I got angry dad I mean he kept asking me and not nicely either so I told him I wasn't going to go out with a guy that wears more makeup then me except I swore a bit at him."

Charlie turned his glare to the Principal, "Bring Mr. Cullen and his parents in we will settle this now and for all then I'd like Bella to get moved from that class and away from that teacher Mr. Greene." The principal looked stunned, "Charlie? I need to suspend her."

"If you can call an on duty police man surely a doctor can come in as well," dad told the man almost growling at him. "I'll just go and call them now," Mr. Greene got up and ran out. "Thank you dad," he smiled and pat my head. "I'm always on your side Bella you are my daughter," I smiled at him. "Dr and Mrs. Cullen will be here in 20 minutes and a student is getting Edward now," Mr. Greene said.

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