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Esme's POV

After my daughter released the wolf shifter I looked into her soft brown eyes. MATE! I watched as Bella backed away from the wolf... Leah. Alice soon came with a shirt and jeans, "why must you give away my clothes to everyone." Rose huffs at Alice and she smirks, "because you are the perfect body shape for the wolf girl I've seen it plus Bella would've fitted into my clothes when she first got here but no it had to be your clothes."

I watch my daughters bicker as the wolf grabbed the clothes in her mouth and walked behind the tree soon coming out with the clothes on. She looked beautiful. Short down to the shoulder black hair, soft but dark brown eyes, tanned skin with a muscular build. The woman being a bit taller then Rose. Her eyes never left mine, "can we please go on a walk?" The woman asked and I nod. She held out her hand and I grabbed it leading me into the woods until I couldn't hear the others.

"Do you feel what I feel?" Leah asked and I smiled, "I feel the mating bond with you Leah." Her name rolled off my tongue so easily like honey. The woman smelt of the forest after it has just rained. "What is mating? Is it like imprinting? I new to this whole wolf thing I only changed 4 days ago."

"It is like soulmates for vampires," her brown eyes lit up. I took a step towards her and smiled cupping her cheek. "Well I should officially introduce myself my name is Leah Clearwater. I'm 22 years old and a wolf shifter." I smiled and stared into her deep brown eyes, "my name is Esme Cullen the temporary leader of the Cullens and soon to be ex wife of Carlisle Cullen." The wolf smiled, "hello Esme it's nice to meet you."

I pecked her lips, "it is nice to meet you too Leah. Sorry about my children they aren't usually like that in front of people," I told her and she smiled. "It's okay I'm used to it from the pack. They have way to much testosterone for their own good," I smiled at the wolf girl.

"So you are okay with me having children?" I asked her and she nod, "of course Esme I hope they approve of me dating their mother." She looked up nervously at me. "Well I know Bella will love you," the beautiful native woman looked up at me. "Bella is one of your children?" I nod, "yeah she started to call me mum so I think I got the job."

"Is Bella going to die?" My mate asked me and I shook my head, "we would never let that happen. Victoria would change her before she could take her last breath." Leah took my head and looked me in the eyes, "Bella won't die my love I promise." I told her and kissed her hands softly, "now let us go for a walk get to know each other better."

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