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Bella's POV

As we got inside I saw Esme pacing. "Mum what's wrong?" I asked the panicked woman and she turned to me her gold eyes looked like they had tears in them that would never shed.

"Bella," the woman walked up and held me in her arms. "I'm so sorry Bella I tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen to me," I held onto the vampire tight. "It's okay mum I'm sure you tried your best at whatever it is now can you please explain what it is," I pulled back and looked up into her golden eyes.

"Alice had a vision and Edward saw it and he and Carlisle have run off to the Volturi to claim that you are his mate and Victoria stole you," the older woman let out a sob and went back to holding me tightly.

"But I'm not his mate so won't they know his not?" I asked and Victoria sighed. "Bella the Volturi have wanted Edward and Carlisle to join the Volturi for many years now so I'm afraid they will side with him," Esme sobbed and moved away a bit. "You look hungry I'm going to make you something to eat," I was about to stop her but Alice shook her head.

"What vision did he see?" I asked my sister and she smirked at me, "a tree really Bella." I blushed bright red. "Leave her alone Ali," Rose laughed and then she turned to me. "You aren't even going to try and deny it?" Victoria purred, "why would she deny such an time we had."

"TORI!" I turned to the vampire and she smirked, "plus she smells of sex so there's no use denying it." Ali and Rose smirked at me, "you and you shut it and you Victoria are sleeping on the floor tonight. Now I'm going for a shower," I stormed upstairs.

"Stupid vampires," I mumbled and opened Rose's room and walked into her ensuite. I stripped from the clothes and got in the shower. Nice hot water run down my body relaxing me, "Bella my angel." I turned around to see Victoria in the shower with me, "yes Victoria?" She ran her hands down my chest to my stomach then rested her hands on my waist.

"I thought you might like some help washing your hair," she purred and turned me around. "You want to fuck me in the shower don't you," I turned my head to look at her. "You know me so well," she nibbled at my neck her fangs slowly grazing over the spot between my neck and shoulder.

"I just remembered that I didn't give you a mark so a few hickies will have to do," she started to leave marks along my neck. I moaned and she purred into my neck. "You are going to make a very beautiful vampire my Bella," she said nibbling on my neck right were she will bite to change me.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around her neck, "take me Tori." She smirked and picked me up again and pushed into me making me moan. "Still so tight for me," she whisper into my neck and I blushed.


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