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Victoria's POV

Day 1 (Bella is 13)

The next day after meeting my little human I walked into the backyard again only to see the house only had one sleeping heart beat in it and I could barely smell that amazing scent anymore.

"Damn it where did she go," I ran up to the room that smelt most like her. I walked in and looked around only to see nothing. The bed was stripped and the only thing left was a teddy bear.

I picked it up and smelt it. It smelt like my Bella. So perfect.

I walked into an old lady's room. I woke her up. She looked scared, "tell me where the girl is." The woman relaxed my natural beauty calming her, "oh my Bella she went to Phoenix where she lives with my daughter." I smiled, "now go back to sleep you did so well."

I ran to Phoenix but it's going to take me a while to track her down.

Day 415 (Bella is 14)

I climbed in my little human's window like I have been doing for the last couple of months now.

I walk over to her and caress her face, "my Bella open your eyes." I purred and she did and looked up at me, "Victoria?" She asked and I purred as my name rolled off her tongue.

"Yes my little human," she moved to the side and I got into bed with her. She cuddled into my chest and relaxed falling back to sleep again.

Day 1,100 (Bella is 15)

I jump threw my Bella's and smiled. "My Bella I am here," I whispered and she opened her eyes, "Hey Tori can you please read to me?" She looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes, "of course my Bella."

She lifted her arm up and a book flew over. I jumped up scared and she just hands me the book. "How... how did you do that?"

Never have I ever seen a human do something like that, "please don't leave me." She whimpered and I got into bed with her, "I will never leave you my Bella. You are mine. Powers or not you are always going to be mine."

I laid in bed and read to her softly.

Day 1,500 (Bella is 16)

When I got into Bella's room this night I saw her asleep with a ice pack on her eye and her leg elevated.

I was confused, "Bella my love I am here." I whispered and she opened her good eye, "Tori?" I smiled but then it dropped, "what happened to you?" I asked and she looked away, "Daisy and her gang tracked me home after school and beat me until I was knock unconscious."

I growled, "I will tare them limb from limb for ever laying a finger on her my Bella." She smiled weakly, "It's okay Tori they'll gets what's coming to them."

Day 1,820 (Bella is 17)

I snuck in my Bella's room. She looks to beautiful when she sleeps, "Bella my love." I purred and pushed a hair out of her face, "hey Tori."

She smiled but then it dropped, "Tori will you still come with me when I've moved to Forks?"

I looked at her confused, "Forks?" I asked and she let a tear slip, "Renee is shipping me off to Forks she can't handle me anymore."

Forks? Isn't there a giant coven there?

I looked down at the now seventeen year old girl. "Please say you won't leave me," she cried and I wiped her tears away with my cold hand. "I will always find you my love even if I have to fight the world just to get to you," I smiled at her and she laid back down. "Thank you Tori," she slowly went back to sleep while I played with her hair.

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