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Bella's POV

Once I had come down from my high Tori smirked at me, "hello my Angel how was heaven." I blushed and realised that she still had me against the tree, "your eyes are back to red." I cupped her face and looked into those blood red eyes of my vampire.

"You look like an angel when you cum so hard on me," she purred and I blushed harder. I leaned in and kissed her softly. She nipped at my bottom lip, "we need to go back to the Cullen's house. I have a feeling that Alice told him we are having another sleepover," I smiled at the pouting vampire. "Please don't make me change my diet my Bella," Tori looked scared. "I would never do that to you Tori but I do have a question," she nod. "What happened in the mountains," her eyes widen.

"You know about that?" I giggled and kissed her again, "of course I knew I was the one people blamed for it. But I'm not complaining I think it is kind of hot that you killed for me."

"I would kill anyone for you my Bella," she purred and held me closer.

I heard my phone start beeping. Victoria slowly put me down and pulls out of me. I whimpered and when to my jeans and got out my phone. "Hello?" I asked. "Heyyyyy Bella as much as I love you but we need you both back here now something has happened," I heard Alice say. "Okay Ali we will be back soon," I told my vampire sister. "Good I will have clothes waiting for you," I blushed bright red. "Please tell me you didn't see it," I begged and the phone just beeped.

"Damn it Ali," I pulled my jeans on and looked over to a confused Victoria. "Ali can see the future," I told her and she smirked. "So your Alice friend saw us fuck against the tree?" I blushed redder if that is even possible, "Tori not the time!" She purred and picked me up bridle style.

She took off into the forest and I cuddled into her neck, "you are adorable cuddled into my arms." I looked up and meet red eyes with my brown. "I love you Victoria," I told her and cuddled into her more. A purr was vibrating in her chest, "I love you too Isabella."

Once we were outside the Cullen house I saw a stack of clothes for me since I was the only one who's dressing was affected by our sleeping together. I took off my muddy jeans and started to dress in the middle of there backyard.

I got dress in a long sleeve shirt, black skinny jeans and a zip up hoodie. Tori growled and I turned to her, "what?" I asked and her eyes are slowly going black but before anything could happen Rose came out of the back door. "Don't you dare think about ripping those clothes off her we need to talk not fuck each other," I blushed bright red again. God at times like these I would kill to be a vampire.

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