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Bella's POV

"How did I just know you would find the most dangerous creatures in that school and friend them," Tori kept purring tracing circles on my back. "Well I am a freak so it would kind of make sense to be with freaks. Emmett's words not mine," the big vampire laughed.

Tori's eyes soon went black and checked me all over, "Tori? What are you doing?" I asked and when she finished checking me she pulled me into her chest, "you were in trouble my Bella I needed to make sure you were okay." I looked at her confused but then realised what she was talking about. The attack. She felt that?

"I'm okay Tori the blonde one Rose saved me," I told her and Tori looked over to the Cullens. "Thank you Rose for taking care of my Bella," I cuddled into her neck relaxing.

"SHE IS NOT YOURS!" I heard Edward yell then he charged at us. As if on instinct I let go of Tori then put my hands up stopping him in his tracks then pushed him away like I did to the baseball. He flew threw the air and into the woods. Carlisle soon ran after his golden boy. "I see your powers have grown my Bella," Tori purred and I blushed.

"So it is true Bella is your mate?" I heard Jasper say and I blushed harder, "yes Bella here is my mate has been since she was 13." I looked up at Tori, "so that's why you stayed with me for 4 years." She smirked, "so you believe your dreams now." I blushed and look up into her bright red eyes, "well it's hard not to believe when your dream is literally in front of you." Tori purred, "oh my darling little Bella it is true I am more then just a dream I always was but you my darling always thought I was a dream so who was I to tell you that you were wrong."

"SHE IS NOT YOUR MATE SHE IS MINE!" I heard Edward scream and run over to us but before I could throw him away again Tori slowly pushed my hands down. Rose came up and pulled me away, "wait Rose?" I watched as Tori grabbed Edward by the neck and slammed him into the ground eyes pitch black. Wow that is hot.

"She is MINE boy and if you dare think of touching her again I will burn you alive then make love to her on your ashes!" Tori growled and I felt a chill go down my spine.

I blushed heat going down to my private area.

God damn it.

Tori snapped her head up at me.

Fuck I forgot vampires have amazing sense of smell.

"ROSE GET BELLA OUT OF HERE!" Edward yelled and Rose slowly backed away from me, "sorry Eddy but she's not your mate." I blushed and soon was picked up bridle style then Tori took off with me in her arms.

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