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Bella's POV

I was now in my last period which was Gym with Mike, Jessica, Rosalie Hale and Emmett Cullen. Great. I sighed and was getting changed into my gym uniform when Jessica stopped, "what the hell if that from?!" I looked down knowing she is talking about the knife cuts on my chest and stomach. "It's nothing," I told her then put my gym shirt on.

After I was done I turned around to see Rosalie's golden eyes are on me. I shook my head and walked out. I forgot about the not taking my shirt off in front of people. Damn it Jessica is probably going to spread that all around school now.

"Okay class today is Volleyball," Coach Clapp said and I winced. That's okay I'll just get the ball to hit me without using my powers that's fine I can do that it should be easy right?

We started the game and I watched as they aimed all the balls at my team mates and not me. Thank god. I sighed out and then a ball flew straight past me and I looked to where it came from to see Rosalie Hale. Fuck.

Then it was on she started to throw balls at me and I barely been able to dodge them.

Don't use your powers. Don't use your powers. Don't yours your powers. Don't use your powers. Don't use your powers. Don't yours your powers. Don't use your powers. Don't use your powers. Don't yours your powers.

When a ball came straight for my face sensing that I'm in danger my hands flew out and caught it no problem. I looked to see Rosalie with wide eyes, "Hale your out!" Coach yelled and I threw the ball at Mike only for him to catch it smirking at me. "Swan your out!" I sighed a breath of relief and ran off the course.

Shit. Bloody. Fuck. I said don't use my powers! DON'T! At least no one saw hopefully. Soon the game ended and Mike's team won and he walked over, "hey Bella kiss for the winner." He smirked and I tried to move but he was stronger then me, "um no I think your good."

He pulled me closer to kiss me but thankfully to do that he loosened his grip so I got out before he could. "Good game Mike," I ran to the locker room. "Look who it is the boyfriend snatcher," Jessica growled and pushed me into the locker.

"Hey I don't want him okay so leave me alone," I told her in a rush but she smirked at me. "You stay away from him or I'll make your life hell here," she spat and left.

I got changed and ran out of school to my truck. "Fucking school," I ran until I got to my truck then got in then I drove home. When I got there I saw Mercedes parked in the drive way with Charlie's police cruiser.

I walked inside to see Charlie and Esme.

"Bella you are home. Esme brought over the designs to double check with you," Charlie smiled and I nod. "Okay dad I'll um make dinner tonight I feel like staying in tonight," Charlie nod and Esme looked concerned. "Okay I'll leave you too to work I'll see you tonight Bella," I gave him a weak smiled. "Okay dad," with that he left.

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