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Bella's POV

Since the fall of the Volturi the remainders of the Cullen coven and the Denali coven have joined me and my family to rule the vampire world.

It has actually been going smoothly and everyone has adjusted perfectly. "Mum! Mama! Kate broke my controller!" A 18 year old Astrid came running in followed by Kate, "it wasn't my fault!" I stood up from my throne and walked down to my daughter, "honey we have this discussion every time. Kate's best quality is to destroy things so don't give her anything that you would care about if it is broken."

"HEY!" Kate yelled and Irina came walking in, "is my mate giving you trouble Bella."

Yes you heard me correctly. After the battle Kate grabbed Irina's hands and they kissed one the battle field outing them to everyone on the battle field who thought they were just sister. Strangely thought Tori already knew they were mates. Weird. But that's my wife for you.

"Ash? What did my sister do now?" Tanya groaned and my daughter screamed, "TANYA!" She flew into the vampire's arms having not seen the blonde for two weeks because I had to send her out on a mission.

"Hey Ash," the blonde purred and held her mate in her arms. It's only been 10 years and yet it feels like we just battled the Volturi last week. My baby is fully grown and is happily with her mate married. She grew into such and amazing woman that I am proud to call my daughter.

"MAMA!" My head shot up to see my wife of 10 years. Yep not only did Kate and Irina out themselves after wards Tori proposed to me and a month after we got married. I wrapped my arms around my wife then lent in and kissed her.

The spark still there even years later. I guess that's the mating bond for you.

"BELLA!" I jumped as my dad walked into the throne room. Yep that's right I went back home and changed my dad into a vampire. I couldn't just leave him all alone again. About 5 years after his change he meet his mate is an English nomad vampire that came to visit. Dad was a bit mad that I had a child so young and didn't use protection but he still loves Ash to bits and spoils her whenever he can.

"Hey dad how was England with Barbra?" I asked and he smiled, "it was good Bells. How was it around here without me?" He asked and I smiled, "wasn't the same without you dad." He smiled and brought me into a hug.

The clock dinged signalling it is 9 o clock at night, "well everyone that is the alarm Bella my darling it is time for us to go to bed." I smiled as my wife held out her hand. I took it and she lead me to our master bedroom and we laid down on the bed. "Tori?" I looked up at my wife. "Yes Bella?" She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'm so grateful that you weren't just in my imagination," she lent down and kissed me. "I'm grateful you smelt so good," I giggled and we laid down relaxing into each other's embrace waiting for the next morning to come.

This life. It's perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.

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