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Rosalie's POV

I was just leaving Port Angeles after getting a new part for Emmett's Jeep when I got a call. I picked it up, "hello?"

I heard sobbing on the other end, "Rose please tell me you are still in Port Angeles?" Alice? "Just leaving why?" I asked my sobbing sister, "you need to go back they've cornered her they are going to hurt her."

Alice was sobbing louder if she wasn't a vampire I'd say she'd be having a breakdown. "Who Ali," I asked and then I heard Jasper, "Bella is in Port Angeles you need to find her now." He must have taken the phone off Alice, "why?" I asked turning the car around to head back to Port Angeles, "a group of men get to her."

That was all that needed to be said. I hung up and floored it. I'm not going to let my sister's best friend die like I did. Fuck! Where is she!? I got a text and looked at it.

Jasper: Alice saw a short building with a parking lot that is almost empty

I started to drive around sticking my head out the window trying to get her scent when I heard a loud scream from the bookstore that was at was beside the set of lights I was stopped at. "VICTORIA!" BELLA! That was Bella! I speed into the carpark behind the store to see a group of bed.

I got out of the car and one of the men smirk, "oh look fellas we got another toy!" They were laughing but soon I grabbed one of them and sunk my teeth into his neck. Blood pouring into my mouth I hear them all scream and I drain their bodies of blood.

Once they were all dead I looked to Bella to see her shirt ripped and her jeans gone. I could tell that she wasn't all there. "Bella look at me," I asked and she just whisper, "Tori?" Tori? Was this that Victoria woman Esme spoke of? I shook that out of my head I needed to get Bella home, "no Bella it's me Rosalie. We need to get you out of here," I softly pick her up my touch must set something off in her brain cause she whimpered. "It's okay Bella we need to go I'm sorry," I felt my heart clench as she cried herself to sleep in my arms.

Once I got to my car I didn't remove the human from my arms. Feeling sort of attached to her. Like I want to protect her and if she'd out of my arms I can't do that.

My phone rung and I put it on speaker, "please be quite Bella is in my arms sleeping." I whispered and Bella cuddled closer to me, "so you have her?" I heard Jasper whisper threw the phone, "I'll be home soon with her get Alice to call Charlie."

I hung up and held Bella tighter to me, "Tori?" I heard Bella say but I checked her heart rate and breathing she's still asleep. Bella must be very attached to this vampire.

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