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Bella's POV

"Okay Bella I will pick you up when I get your text," Dad told me and I smiled at him. "Okay dad and thanks for the lift I hope Billy can fix my truck soon," I closed his door and looked up to the book store.

I am into my 2nd day of my week break and I need more books to read so I'm going to the bookstore in Port Angeles. I get in the store and started browsing with my headphones on listening to music. I pick out a few books like Nightwood, Annie on My Mind and The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

I took off my headphones and walked to the counter, "just these Miss?" The old guy at the checkout asked and I nod, "yes thanks." He gave me my books in a plastic bag, "have a good night Miss." I left the bookstore and took a deep breath in. Now what to do with a night on the town. Maybe get some dinner.

I started to walk down the back of the bookstore when I heard a cat call, "hey gorgeous you can sit on my cock any time you want." I moved fast staring at the ground but soon I ran into someone.

I looked up to see a guy that looks like a stereotypical frat boy, "where you going gorgeous?" He grabbed me and I quickly pushed my hands out pushing him with the force of my powers. I try to run but a guy grabbed my hands and pulled them around my back with me fighting all the way. "Well are you a pretty young thing," the guy was short around my height and cupped my face.

"You're a short thing but you don't see me telling you that," I spat at him with my words and literal spit. "Oh you're going to regret that girly," he pulled his hand back and punched me in the face.

I whimpered as I spat out some blood, "now girly let the fun begin." I looked around to see I'm now surrounded by a group of men and my hands are behind my back so I can't use my powers. FUCK! The one time I fucking need my powers and I can't use them.

He ripped my shirt off and started working on my jeans while I screamed and kicked. I felt so defenceless. I'm so scared I don't want to lose my v card this way please oh god help me. I started to cry as he got my jeans and underwear off, "I'm gonna show you how a real man fucks."

He started to unbutton his jeans, "VICTORIA!" I screamed hoping that the woman of my dreams just appears. "Not my name but that's okay you'll learn in when I'm 5 inches inside you," he smirked and I heard a loud car engine. My vision was blurring in and out, "oh look fellas we got another toy!" They were laughing but soon I heard screams then quite.

"Bella look at me," I looked up to see bright red eyes. "Tori?" I asked my vision now fully blurry thanks to my tears, "no Bella it's me Rosalie. We need to get you out of here," I felt cold arms softly pick me up making me whimper. "It's okay Bella we need to go I'm sorry," I cried myself into the cold arms soon falling asleep.

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