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Bella's POV

"Bella how did you stop that van?" Charlie asked me and I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, "I can't tell you dad if I do you'll get rid of me like Renee."

"Bella. How did you stop that van? I'm not Renee I won't get rid of you," he told me. "I can do things dad... I was in danger and I just put up my hands and saved myself." He looked at me confused, "stopped it how?" I let a tear slip then held out my hand and called a banana from the kitchen into my hand, "WHAT THE FUCK!"

Charlie looked to the kitchen then to me, "what was that?"

"When I was 8 I started being about to do things out kids couldn't. I could call a book from the top shelf, I could float things in the air, I could... yeah. I can move things with my mind. Renee knew this and I got bullied at school for it. About 2 months ago she finally was at the breaking point and you called just in time. So she shipped me all the way here to you so she didn't have to deal with me anymore."

"Bells I would never get rid of you because of this. It's something you can't be blamed for having," Dad told me then smiled. "I actually think it is kind of cool and at least I don't have to worry about you getting hurt," I looked up at him with hope in my eyes. "Really you mean it. You are not freaked out?" He shook his head, "no Bella you are my daughter and I still love you but please be more careful and only use them when your life is in danger."

"Okay dad," this was one of the rare moments I actually hugged my dad. "Thank you dad," I let go and he smiled. "Now go upstairs and get some rest I'll order us a big breakfast to make up for dinner," I nod and walked up to my room.

Once my head hit the pillow I fell into a deep sleep.

*In Dream*

"Hello my little Bella," I heard a woman purr. Victoria? She pressed me into the bed. "My adorable little Bella I missed you," she took a deep breathe of my scent in. "Are you mine Bella?" She purred and I nod, "yes I'm yours." She smiled, "that's right mine and mine only my little mate." I looked up into the blood red eyes, "I miss you Tori." She smirked, "remember you'll always have me. The world couldn't keep us apart. I will come for you and then I will claim you all night long." I whimpered, "please Tori." She licked up my neck, "you scent is intoxicating my Bella." I blush and look away unknowingly show my neck more, "that's it my Bella submit to me my love." I moaned, "Tori please I need you." She pulled back, "soon my love soon."

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