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Bella's POV

I was in the backyard watching as everyone trained for the upcoming war. Right now Kate and Victoria are facing off. "Who do you think will win?" I looked to Tanya who was sitting beside me and beside her was Irina.

"Tori is good at fighting but Kate is shockingly good at fighting," I smiled at my joke and Kate burst out laughing. "I knew there was a reason I liked her," Kate smirked.

Tanya reached over and put her hand on my stomach, "how is the baby?" 4 days in and I look 4 months pregnant. "Craving O negative blood I should go get some," before I could blink the vampire was gone and a few seconds later was back with a blood bag.

I looked up at her strangely, "thank you?" I started to drink from the blood bag. The awful metallic taste in my mouth making me want to throw it all up. "Everyone stop something is wrong!" Alice yelled out and we all turned to her to see her looking at the woods behind the Cullen house.

"The wolves are coming," Tori was soon holding me protectively and Tanya crouched in front of me. We all stood waiting and soon a black wolf stepped out followed by 9 other wolves. Esme stood forward and the black wolf went behind a tree and shifted back then walked out.

Sam? Isn't that Leah's ex?

"There are more of you! We didn't agree to this!" Sam yelled and Tori held me tighter. "What the hell is happening here!"

"Bella is pregnant with a half vampire baby and the Denali's have experience with this so we need their help," Esme calmly told the tall buff man. "YOU ARE GOING TO KILL THE CHIEF'S DAUGHTER!" Sam yelled at Esme and then a white and grey wolf growled and slowly moved over in front of Esme.

"LEAH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Sam yelled. Leah? Wait there are wolves that turn into people? Leah growled and Sam's chest puffed out and he used a loud voice. "LEAH GET BACK HERE NOW!" Leah snarled at Sam and got ready to attack. A brown wolf went behind a tree and shifted back.

When he came out I saw Jacob, "she left the pack link Sam. The blood sucker is her imprint." Jacob!

"LEAH GET BACK HERE I AM YOUR ALPHA!" Sam was shaking and the wolf just kept snarling at him, "give us Bella and we will leave in peace." Jacob said and Tori growled, "you are going no where near my mate dog!"

"YOU'VE BROKEN THE TREATY!" Sam yelled and Esme crossed her arms, "we have done nothing of the sort. Now if you do not get off MY land in the next 5 minutes I will have you castrated." Sam growled, "if Bella Swan dies we will be here for your deaths."

Sam and his pack of wolves ran away leaving Leah sitting in front of Esme with her ears down. "Leah?" I slowly slid out of Tori's arms and moved over to the giant wolf. Her ears stood up and she turned her head to me. "As in Leah Clearwater?" I asked and the wolf nod her head.

"LEAH!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around the giant wolf's neck hugging her.

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