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Victoria's POV

Bella? Pregnant? Why does the sound of that make me happy? A child... My child growing inside of my mate. But how is that possible I'm a vampire and she a human.

"I... I'm... I'm WHAT!?" Bella looked to me and then back to the Alice girl, "how is that possible?" The big guy smirked, "well Bella when two people love each other and one of those people have a dick and cums inside their partner they tend to fall pregnant but it is confusing that a vampire can get a human pregnant."

"We need help none of us know anything about child birth or anything like that. Mum what do we do?" The blonde vampire asked looking to the kitchen to see the mothering. "I'll call our cousins they have been alive a lot longer then us they might have seen this before," the older woman came out of the kitchen with a bowl of pasta.

My mate looked up at her mother vampire and smiled taking the bowl and started to eat. "I'll call Tanya," the mothering vampire walked away.

I watched as my mate ate her food. I slowly looked down to her flat stomach. She's going to swell with my child. I'm going to be a Mama. I thought I would never get the chance to have a family yet here I stand... a mate and a child growing inside of her.

"Tori?" I looked up to see Bella looking at me with tears in her eyes, "you've been very quiet..." I ran over and soon my mate was in my arms on the love seat. I kissed her head purring softly. "Just processing my Bella I will not leave you I promise," I whispered in her ear and she relaxed into me. "So what exactly was happening in your vision Alice?" The blonde one asked and the pixie vampire looked at her sister, "Bella had to drink blood for the baby. It favoured O negative." I smirked and looked down at my mate, "yep defiantly my child."

"So Victoria how long have you known Bella for?" The big one asked as my mate slowly fell asleep in my arms, "4 years. I meet her while she was visiting her grandmother in Philadelphia. I was drawn in by her scent. So sweet but I didn't want to bite her... well not in that way anyway." The big guy burst out laughing but was soon hit on the back of the head by the blonde, "quiet Bella is sleeping Emmett."

"So she thought you were a dream?" Alice asked and I looked down at my mate's sleeping face, "yeah the first time I meet her she was freaking out so I told her I was just a dream but she slowly opened up to me and after a while I couldn't bare to tell her that I was real I mean what if she rejected me I haven't known a human that is mates with a vampire it is rare but yet I was so drawn to her my beast knew that it had found it's mate."

"And now 4 years later and you got her pregnant within the first day of reuniting with her," Emmett smirked and the mother came back in. "The Denali's are on there way now," Bella cuddled into me as she slept.

"Bella should go to bed Victoria Rose will show you her bed Bella enjoys it in there," I looked up and growled. "I have a mate already you don't need to feel threatened by me and as much as I love Bella she is not my type." I slowly picked my mate up and followed the blond upstairs to her room and put my Bella on the bed.

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