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Bella's POV

It was my first day at school today and I am nervous that everyone is going to stare at me and judge me before I could get a word out.

I hope there isn't bullying at this school but then again it's high school so that's a fat chance. I got out of my truck that Charlie gave me. It was better then being driven around in a police cruiser. Even though I love Charlie I would be bullied for that although if they knew my dad was sheriff they might leave me alone.

I walked into the office and got my schedule from the old woman. Then I walked to my first class room which is English which can't be to hard I mean I speak the language.

"Hi your Isabella right Sheriff Swan's daughter?" He asked as if he didn't already know the answer. "Yeah I am but call me Bella," I told him and he smiled, "can I take a picture of you for the school newspaper I've got the whole front page for you. I'm Eric by the way," he smiled.

My eyes go wide, "um no thank you I'm not really one of those sort of girls Eric." He looked disappointed, "well how about you sit with me and my friends at lunch today." He smile got wider and I sighed and nod, "sure I'll sit with you at lunch."

"Perfect see you then Bella," he walked inside the classroom and I looked to see I'm at my English class room. How the hell did I get here? Never mind I'll figure it out later.

I walked into the classroom to see the teacher, "hello you must be the new student." I nod, "yes my name is Bella." He nod, "go sit next to Miss. Hale." I looked over to see that a girl... not woman had her golden eyes on me glaring at me. I walked over to the only spare seat and sat down.

The woman kept glaring at me and I turned to her, "what's your problem?" I asked and she just kept glaring at me, "whatever." I turned around and waited for class to begin.

*Lunch Time*

I walked into the lunch room with a girl named Angela who was friends with Eric. We got our food and sat down, "what is this supposed to be?" I asked as I look at the food on my plate, "Monday Meat. Yeah food here is not the best," Mike smirked. I felt very uncomfortable with him.

I heard a door open and I looked to it to see four people. "Who are they?" I asked the table and Jessica rolled her eyes, "those are the Cullens. The short girl is Alice she's a bit weird then there is the blonde guy that always looks like his in pain that's Jasper. The blonde bitch is Rosalie she and Jasper are siblings and then the big buff guy that looks like he is on steroids is Emmett. Then they have a hot brother his name is Edward but don't get your hopes up none of us are good enough for him." I rolled my eyes but everyone at the table missed it except Angela.

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