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Bella's POV

We were standing in a field waiting for the Volturi. "Are you saw it was today Alice?" Leah asked and stood we heard it loud foot steps almost marching. "They are here," I said and soon the Kings stepped forward. "Ahh you must be the Bella I hear so much about," Aro said. Thank you Alice for teaching me their names.

"There has been no crimes committed her Aro. As you can see Bella is no longer human and is with her mate right now." Edward snarled and stomped his foot on the ground, "BELLA IS MINE!" Victoria purred then whispered into my ear so only I could hear, "still want to make love on his ashes."

I giggled at my mate but then stopped looking up at the vampire kings, "a crime has been committed for with you there is an immortal child." The blonde vampire king spat and I turned to my 4 year old looking daughter. "She is not an immortal child," Alice said. "We have proof," Alice walked up to the Volturi with Jasper behind her.

"Let me show you," she held out her hand and the king smiled widely and grabbed the pixie vampire's hand.

After 2 minutes he pulled back, "it doesn't matter what I show you your still going to fight us." Alice said and snatched her hand away, "such a beautiful gift we could really use." Guards came and held Alice and grabbed Jasper too.

"LET HER GO!" I yelled and quickly ran to the other side of the battle field, "BELLA NO!" I heard everyone yelling as two vampires run at me a quickly kill them by ripping off their heads. I jumped and Aro met me. I smirked and wrapped my shield around his head and as his body landed I smirked showing his coven the severed head of their leader.

"Let. Her. Go." I growled out and the guards quickly let go and vampires started to run away. The small blonde vampire come running up to me. I caught her in my shield. "EVERYONE WATCH AS I DISTORY YOUR MOST POWERFUL WEAPON!" I shrunk my shield putting pressure on her whole body until I crushed her to dust.

Everyone one the Volturi's side ran except 35 idiots. All who are members of the Volturi. Well except Edward and Carlisle who also stayed. "ATTACK!" I yell and we all started to attack and kill what remained of the Volturi.

I smirked slowly walking up to Edward and Carlisle, "we have unfinished business." I wrapped my shield around Edward and Tori held Carlisle, "you Carlisle are going to watch your golden boy die by my hands."

I moved Edward so he was in front of his father. I tightened my shield causing cracks in Edward's skin, "say bye bye Eddy boy." He looked to his father and I grabbed his head ripping it off his body then grabbed his head in one of my shields and crushed it to dust then Leah came and burnt his body to ashes.

Carlisle screamed out and I turned to Leah, "this one is all yours Leah he did after all hurt your imprint." Leah smirked and Tori released him and I got him in my shield then Leah set the still living vampire on fire smirking as he was burnt to ash.

"I sent the Denali coven to get after Tanya and Astrid. Good thing the little baby left before you got to Aro," I smiled.

"Yes well now it is all over we can live a life in peace," I said and Tori wrapped her arms around me. "My little Bella is a killer who would've thought it," I giggled and kissed my mate.

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