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Bella's POV

Soon after Mr. Greene came back Edward walked into the room, "you requested me sir." Charlie glared him, "sit down Mr. Cullen your parents will be here soon."

Edward turned to me, "is this about Bella yelling at me like a child." I glared at him and went to stand up but Charlie pushed me back down. "Because if it is I can let it slide this once I am a gentleman after all," as he went to sit I moved his chair out a little making him fall on his ass.

"Edward honey are you okay? What's going on?" I heard Esme ask as she and Dr. Cullen came into the room. "Yes indeed what is going on," Dr. Cullen looked to Mr. Greene. "Your son harassed my daughter about a traumatic event that happened on Friday and then declared himself as her boyfriend," Charlie spoke before Mr. Greene could get a word out.

"I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding Charlie," Dr. Cullen told my dad but dad wasn't having any of it. "Tell your son to look me in the eye and tell me he did not harass my daughter," Esme turned to Edward. "Edward what did you do?" Dr. Cullen glared at his wife and Esme stopped talking and looked down. What is wrong with this man. "Edward was just curious and for all we know he could be dating Bella and maybe she just not telling you," Dr. Cullen said and Charlie glared at Carlisle. "Dr. Cullen I want your boy to stay the hell away from my daughter if not I will take her down to the police station and have her fill out a harassment form myself."

"Is that really necessary Charlie he's just a young boy in love," Dr. Cullen said putting his hand on his son's shoulder. Charlie turned back to Mr. Greene, "move her 2nd and 5th period." Mr. Greene just nod, "okay I will switch it so she had Biology is her second and Government is 5th. But Charlie since she did bully a student she is suspended for 2 weeks," Charlie looked over to Mr. Greene. "What of the Cullen boy does his behaviour just go unpunished?"

"There is no evidence showing that he was harassing Miss. Swan," Mr. Greene said but then Charlie lost it. "But there's evidence saying that Bella "bullied" Mr. Cullen," Mr. Greene looked down. "Mr. Cullen said it himself and so did Mr. Banner," Mr. Greene said. "Really a teacher who has been picking on me since I got here is against me. Shocker."

Mr. Greene went wide eyed and Charlie turned to me then back to the principal, "what else has happened to Bella that I don't know about because I've been protecting this city." Mr. Greene froze.

"Mr. Banner is a good teacher," Edward spoke up and I rolled my eyes. "Mr. Banner gave me detention because Edward said I copied his work when I was the one that did everything," Charlie looked to me then back to Mr. Greene. "It appears that this Cullen boy has done a lot more then harass my daughter," Charlie glared at the principal. "Bella will be having this week off and I expect when Bella comes back that Mr. Cullen leave her alone and this Mr. Banner doesn't come near my daughter again. Am I understood Harold?"

"That can be arranged Charlie," Mr. Greene said. "Good now good day to you all come on Bells," I got up and followed Charlie out.

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