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Bella's POV

"So what is the plan?" I said after putting Astrid in Rose's lap. "While you were out Victoria, Jasper, Esme and I were calling people that we know to see if they will help us with the Volturi so far we have a wolf pack on our side, the Irish coven, Amazon coven, a few nomads and Jasper's old coven mates." Tanya told me and I nod turning to Alice. "How long do we have?" I asked Alice.

"We have until the end of this month then they attack," Ali told me. "What are the odds of us winning?" I asked and Ali looked away, "I don't know with the wolves involved I don't get a clear reading on anything."

"We need a back up plan but none of you are going to like it," I said looking at my daughter in Rose's arms. "Tanya is going to take Astrid and run if the war is not going in our favour."

Tanya stood up, "absolutely not! I will not abandon you all." I slammed my hands down on the table, "we have no choice! I am not having my child killed and there is no one in hear I trust more with my daughter then you. Look Tanya I just meet you but you are my daughter's mate so you would do anything to protect her. Other then her you only have family ties but she comes before all that so you are going to take her and run."

"Bella..." Tori tried to step in but I looked into Tanya's eyes, "say you'll do it. Say you will run and protect her from the evil in this world." The golden eyed vampire nod her head, "if the battle is going south I will take Astrid and I will run."

Astrid started to cry.

I picked my baby up, "shh it's okay Ash calm down." I kissed her head and held her close.

Tanya slowly walked up and started to play with the 1 year old's hair. As the child calmed down Jasper spoke, "we need to practice your shields Bella. They could save us on the battle field," I nod and handed my daughter to Tanya.

"Let's go practice," I said and took Tori's hand and walked us outside followed by Emmett, Kate and Irina.

"Okay Bella we need to know if you can project your shield or not," I nod and Kate smirked at Tori. "We have to try with someone she cares about," my eyes widen. "FUCK NO! You are not going anywhere near my mate," I growled but Tori stepped up. "It's okay Bella," she kissed my head.

"Ready?" Kate asked and I slowly raised my hands trying to enveloped Victoria in my shield. "Ready," I struggled to get out. Kate zapped Tori making her let out a yelp. I growled and turned to Kate. "Jane won't stop just because your mate let's out a little yelp. She kill keep going until her head is ripped off her body."

Igrowled and I felt a wave push out from my body knocking everyone down exceptTori and me. "Yes that! Use that! Now again," Kate jumped back up and wecontinued training.

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