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Bella's POV

I opened my eyes and I saw red eyes, "Tori?" My vision was blurry from sleep. "No Bella it's Rosalie how... how are you feeling?" I heard someone say. Rosalie? Like Cullen? Or was it Hale? I lifted my hands up and rubbed my eyes.

Soon the world became clearer, "why are your eyes red?" I asked the blonde woman who avoided my eyes. "Bella honey there is a lot we need to discuss," I looked over to see Esme. Wait a second... where am I sitting. I looked around and saw that I was in a single chair with Rosalie holding me.

"WAIT WHY ARE YOU HOLDING ME!" I panic but soon waves of calm washed over me. "Bella calm down do you remember what happened?" Alice asked me and I thought back to my last memory.

I let a tear slip as I remember those man had me I was scared. They had my hands. I couldn't use my power.

"Bella come back to us you are okay now," I looked up to see it was Esme cupping my cheek. "Rosalie stopped them they won't hurt you ever again," Rosalie tightened her grip on me but I wasn't scared. That's weird.

I looked up at the woman holding me, "thank you. Now why are your eyes red?" I asked and she sighed, "Bella what do you know about vampires?" Alice asked and I looked at her confused, "they are pale, drink blood and usually have abs." Emmett from across the room burst out laughing.

"Bella we can't tell you we will get in trouble but you can figure it out," I looked up at Alice. "Figure what out?" I asked and Alice smiled, "Bella we are pale, cold to the touch, have weird coloured eyes, strong, fast and we look like we have stepped out of a fashion magazine."

I looked around the room and started to piece it all together, "but vampires aren't real?" I was confused these people couldn't be vampires for real. Could they?

"Says a girl who can stop a van in it's tracks," Rosalie laughed. I looked into her eyes, "you're vampires. And I thought I was weird."

I laughed and they all looked at me smiling. "What exactly makes you weird Bella?" Rosalie asked and I looked up at her, "I don't know what you call it but I can move things sort of. Emmett can you get a ball or something?" I asked and in a second he was gone and back with a baseball, "done now show us your freaky power Bella Bear." I held out my hand and the baseball flew into it.

Everyone's jaw drops, "so yeah it started happening when I was 8 and yeah." Emmett was the first to break out of it and he grinned at me, "she is so on my baseball team!"

I smiled then looked down only now noticing that I wasn't in my own clothes. I was in black shirt, blue flannel and black jeans. All of which were a bit big on me. "What am I wearing?" I asked and Alice smiled, "well Rose has recently discovered a sister bond with you and after what happened I don't think she wants Emmett or Jasper's scent on you."

"Okay... wait what about Charlie he will be so worried about me!" I started to panic but Rosalie held me closer purring which was surprisingly relaxing. "I already called Charlie you are staying the night with us," I cuddled into Rosalie closer making her purr more.

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