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Bella's POV

I was at the airport looking for my dad. I wonder if he knows about my powers. Would he still take me if he knew? I mean Renee didn't even want me the minute Charlie told her he would have me she shipped me off to the small town of Forks.

At least I won't have to deal with bullying anymore. Fun thing about that after that day were Daisy beat me she went missing and a few weeks after that they found her in the mountains drained of all her blood. Her gang thought I did it so the bully lightened up a lot and they never physically touched me anymore.

I still don't know what happened to Daisy but then again I don't care I had an alibi. Though Renee still thought I did it even though she was with me at her time of death.

I threw my stress ball up in the air and caught it slowly relaxing. "Bella!" I heard a man yell and I looked over to see Charlie, "hey Char- Dad." I smiled and he smiled back at me, "let me take that for you." He grabbed my suitcase and walked over to his police car I followed suit.

We got in the car and he started to drive, "um dad did mum tell you anything about when I turned 8?" I asked he and he looked confused, "no I haven't heard anything from you since you were a baby to around 5. Why?" He asked and I sighed.

So he doesn't know that I can make things happen with my mind. I can't let him know or anyone else. This has to be my secret. No one but me will know.

I stared out the window seeing a Forks sign, "so I have made arrangements for you to see Mrs. Cullen to design your new room kiddo." I smiled, "thank you Dad."

Soon we arrived at a huge mansion, "Mrs. Cullen said she'd see you now so I'll be back around 5 to pick you up or sooner if you text me that your done." I got out of the car, "okay thank you dad."

He's not going to come back for me is he.

I walked up to the door and knocked, "um hello?" I called out and a woman opened the door she had dark brown hair and gold eyes. "Hello you must be Isabella?" She asked and I nod, "yeah I am how did you-" I was cut off, "Charlie was so excited that his daughter was coming back even asked me to book an appointment for you to come design your room."

"Oh well thank you Mrs. Cullen," I told her and she shook her head smiling, "call me Esme." I nod, "okay well call me Bella."

"Fair enough you are just in time I made cookies," I blushed and she lead me into the big mansion. "So do you live here with just your husband?" I asked and she turns to me, "no I have 5 children all around your age actually you might see them in school."

No way was this woman older then Charlie, "but how-" she cut me off again, "they are all adopted but I consider them mine."

She handed me a cookie and put a few on the plate and walked upstairs to an office, "let's get down to work shall be."

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