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Bella's POV

I've been here for about a month and so far nothing bad has happened except for the threat Jessica made but thankfully she hasn't carried out that threat. Mike is still hitting on me actually so are most of the guys at this school. I just wish I could tell them I'm gay so they would leave me alone.

I was in Bio sitting next to Edward Cullen who has been staring at me for the last month. Which is creeping me out. What is with the boys at this school.

"Hello I'm Edward Cullen," I looked at him. "Yeah I remember you didn't make a good first impression," think back to the time when she ran out of class holding his nose. "Yes sorry I was feeling a bit unwell," he told me in what think he would call a charming voice. "Okay well hi now can we focus back on the assignment," I looked back into the microscope and wrote the last answer down.

"Mr. Banner I'm done," the teacher came over. "It's nothing to be proud of if Mr. Cullen gave you all the answers," I glared at him. "If you must know Mr. Cullen just sat there staring at me while I did all the work," the teacher looked to the boy then back to me. "That's a detention for lying and a detention for talking back," the teacher spat at me and walked away.

The bell rung before I could do anything or almost anything. As the teacher was going to sit down I moved his chair slightly making him all on his ass letting out a yell.

I grabbed my books and walked out of the classroom, "Bella!" I turned around to see Edward Cullen. "You! You stay the bloody hell away from me Cullen I may like your mother but that doesn't mean I have to like you now leave me the fuck alone!"

"Edward... Hello you must be Bella I've heard so much about you. My name is Alice," I looked to the pixie. "Hi I'm late for gym," I turned around still pissed that the Cullen boy for not backing me up instead but shaking his head.

When I got to gym I got changed and walked out, "hey Bella!" Mike yelled and run over to me, "Mike I'm not interested in you okay and you've got a girlfriend so leave me the hell alone!" The boy stepped back, "you could've just said so damn Bella." I walked over to Coach Clapp and listen for today's lesson. Mike left me alone for the rest of the day but knowing that boy's intelligence he will be back at it tomorrow.

After gym class finished I quickly got changed and walked out to my truck. Once I got there I looked over to the Cullens to see Rosalie glaring at me, Emmett looking at Rosalie, Alice zoned out, Jasper as stiff as ever and Edward sulking.

I put my back in the car and then turned back around. I heard a screech and my name being called out, "BELLA!" I see a van coming for me and as if on instinct my hands shot out and stopped the moving van from hitting me.

The car park was silent as they saw a 17 year old girl stop a moving van from hitting her. "Bella?" Before I could say anything I collapsed from exhaustion.

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