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Bella's POV

I woke up in nice soft familiar sheets. The smell of Roses all around me. I stretched and got up walking to the closet picked out a pare of jeans, a shirt and one of Rose's hoodies. I'm so grateful at times like these that Rose works on cars. Gives me a wardrobe that I'm comfortable with while I'm here.

I walked past a mirror then stopped. I slowly walked back and saw that my stomach was a bit out. I lifted up the shirt to see my once flat stomach was a bit swollen then I remember. Weird. I put my shirt back down then walked downstairs.

When I saw no one I looked around confused. Where is everyone? "Tori? Rose? Ali? Mum? Jaz? Emmy Bear?" Soon Jasper show up, "Bella the family has gone hunting I've been left to..." I crossed my arms, "babysit me." He looked down, "yes."

"I am also waiting for our cousins to arrive," he smiled and walked over but when he got about a foot from me he froze.

"Jaz?" I asked and he walked closer making me back up. "JAZ!" He got down on his knees and pressed his ear to my stomach. "I... I hear it... a heartbeat..." He quickly stood up and got his phone out and dialled a number so fast I couldn't see it.

"Alice get home now!" He sounded panic while I just stared at him confused. "Jaz calm down of course there is going to be a heartrate I'm still living," I told him and he turned to me. "It's not your heartrate Bella it's to slow and unusual," he ran his finger threw is hair.

In 5 minutes Alice came running in, "Jaz what's the..." she stopped talking and turned to me confused, "it can't be..." She knelt in front of me and held her ear against my stomach, "that's impossible it's only been a day." She looked to Jasper and his eyes were wide. "We need the Denali's now," Jasper said.

"Good thing we are here," I snapped my head up to see three blondes and two brunettes. "Tanya thank god," Alice wrapped the woman in her arms. "Remarkable," I heard the man say as he walked up to me. As he went to touch me I saw a blur of red. "Keep your hands off my mate!" I heard Tori growl.

"Victoria it's fine he is family don't attack," I heard Alice say and the blurs stop and I saw Tori with the man's arm behind his back almost breaking it.

"Tori... let him go... it's okay I'm alright..." I slowly ran my fingers threw her hair. As she let the vampire go I stopped and she pulled me into her arms, "your okay? The baby is... okay..." She looked down at me then to my stomach.

"Baby?" I looked over at a tall blonde with curly hair, "yes Bella here is pregnant but that's the problem. The baby is half vampire and only 38 hours has gone by and there is already a heartbeat."

"Fuck," the brunette woman said then she slowly approached. "Victoria was it... I need to check your mate... I have dealt with this before... I'm not going to hurt her or your child..." The woman slowly took me out of my mate's arms then started to check me.

"Okay you said 38 hours so almost two days. Vampire pregnancies usually last 9 to 14 days so Bella looks to be a human month into pregnancy so the heartbeat has formed."

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