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Bella's POV

My heart did one last beat then it went silent. The burning stopped and I slowly opened my eyes, "Bella." I heard a deep soothing voice say. Tori? "I need you to sit up for me Bella... slowly." I listened to Tori and slowly sat up. As I laid my eyes on her I felt my breath hitch. I saw details that I never saw as a human. I saw her curly hair even brighter red like fire behind her, deep captivating red eyes and full red lips.

Before I knew it I jumped at her and started to kiss her. I straddled her but I wasn't on top for long. Tori flipped us over and held me down by my wrists. As the kiss ended I saw her eyes slowly going dark, "you need to feed Bella before you see Astrid you need to feed."

My eyes widen and I start purring at the thought of seeing my baby girl, "okay let's go." I heard a beautiful voice say instead of my normal voice. We both stood up and she lead me by my hand out the back door, "let's go to a spot just outside of the Forks borders."

We run until Tori stops.

"How does it feel to run and not trip?" Tori smirked at me and I smiled, "amazing like I'm free." She walked over to me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, "now let's hunt I need you to take a deep breath in find a scent and hunt it and drain it." I nod and did as she said.

The smells were amazing but one caught my attention. About 10 kms away was a heartbeat and the smell of something sweet my throat started to burn, "now... hunt." My eyes snapped open and I ran after the smell.

As I got to the side of the cliff I jumped over and grabbed a body on my way down. I killed the man and drained him dry. Blood running down my throat feeding the beast inside me.

As I stepped back I saw Tori behind me, "feel better?" I nod my throat no longer burning. "Now before we go back I have something to tell you about our daughter," Tori told me and I looked up at her. "Is she okay?" I asked and Tori nod her head, "yes she is okay... remember how I met you when you were 13?" I nod and she continued, "well Tanya feels the mating pull towards our daughter."

"WHAT!" I screamed and I started to run back home.


We were already back to the Cullen's house. "TANYA!" I screamed and the blonde vampire came out, "Bella please vampires can't help who their mate is. Please I would never hurt Ash I just... I can't live without her. I won't try anything until she's older I promise."

"You. Me. Fight now." I growled out and Tanya raised her hands in surrender, "I will not fight you Bella. If I hurt you it will hurt Ash."

I grabbed the blonde and threw her across the yard, "Bella please love leave her alone she can't help it." Tori cupped my cheeks making me look up at her. "If we hurt Tanya you hurt Ash. They are connected just like you and me."

"I want to see her," I said and Rose soon came out with a little baby.

"She is growing fast just like Carmen said," Tori said and Rose handed me a little 1 year old. "How long have I been out?" I looked to my mate, "you have been out a week. You gave us all quite a scare," I ran my hands threw my baby's bright red hair.

"She's beautiful," I whispered and Tori wrapped her arms around my waist as I hold our child.

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