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Bella's POV

The brunette stepped away from me, "Bella you will have to drink human blood for this baby other then that it is like a normal pregnancy. I will need to check on you everyday to make sure you are okay throughout this pregnancy but after it the likelihood of you surviving the birth is extremely unlikely so you'll have to be changed after giving birth."

"So in less then a month I'm going to become a vampire," I looked up into her golden eyes. Victoria stepped forward and wrapped her arms around my waist. "We need to talk to your father my Bella," Tori whispered into my ear then lent down and kissed my neck softly.

"I should introduce everyone. My name is Tanya I am the leader of the Denali coven and these are my sisters Kate and Irina. The man is Eleazar and his mate Carmen," the shortest blonde introduced.

"Okay well as you heard this is Bella and her mate Victoria," Ali told the leader. "She has such a powerful aura around her... she will make a very powerful vampire," the man Eleazar said and Tori growled. "Victoria calm down Eleazar has a gift for seeing other's auras and gifts he means no harm," Ali told my mate but she just kept glaring at the vampire.

"Your gift blocks me," he told me still staring in wonderment. "I've only ever seen a power like this once in battle but never this powerful. You appear to have a shield but it's both a physical and mental shield. No one has ever had both," I looked at him confused. "What are you talking about," he looked into my eyes. "It actually makes sense now Bella you put a shield around something and move it since you can control the shield and it can explain why you were a blur in my vision before we meet."

"Remarkable," Eleazar said. "Who is the father of Bella's baby? Will he be causing any problems?" Irina asked and Victoria growled again this time aimed at the tall blonde. Kate stepped in front of Irina and her hands started sparking. "Both of you calm down I will not have you fighting in my house!"

Esme walked in with Emmett and Rose behind her, "Victoria is the baby daddy couldn't keep it in her pants and now we have a Bella with a baby." Emmett smirked and Victoria pounce and I quickly moved Emmett out the way with my... what did he call it block or something.

"Tori no hurting my brother," I told my mate who turned to me and let out a growl.

"DON'T YOU DARE GROWL AT ME VICTORIA OR NO SEX FOR A MONTH!" Everyone shut up and Victoria looked away from my eyes, "sorry my angel."

"You apology is excepted now go have a shower and when you come back down then we can cuddle," the vampire ran upstairs and Kate and Emmett burst out laughing.

"Keep laughing and I'll throw Emmett's into water," they both stopped laughing and looked down. "I've never meet a human that can tell off three vampires before," Jaz smirked.

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