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Bella's POV

"How was school Bella? Charlie told me it was your first day?" I flinched, "um yeah it was okay?" It was more of a question then a statement. "Did my children behave themselves?" She asked and I stopped moving up the stairs, "um uh yeah they were good?" She sighed, "I can tell you are lying what happened?"

"Nothing it's was just a game of dodgeball," I looked away and she pushed a hair behind my ear. "You can tell me Bella and I'll make sure they apologise," I shook my head. "It wasn't them that was the problem it was Mike and Jessica," I told her trying to get away from the topic of her children.

"What did those two do?" I don't know why but I feel comfortable with Esme she's warm despite her body temperature and caring even if it's a stranger. "Mike tried to kiss me and Jessica threatened to make my life hell. But it's fine I can deal with that," I told her and I finished walking up to my new room cause right now I'm in the guest room.

We started work on my room painting the walls Deep Purple, "so Bella how old are you?" Esme asked and I turned to her confused, "I want to get to know you Bella." I nod, "okay I'm 17." Esme smiled, "I'm 26."

I smiled, "so Bella is there anyone special in your life?" She asked and I shook my head, "only in my dreams." I sighed thinking about Victoria. Oh how I wish she was real. "So what made you move here?" She asked and I froze, "um my mother got sick of me so she shipped me off to dad so he would have to deal with me."

Esme looked at me horrified, "no mother should ship there child off just so they don't have to deal with them." I smiled at the woman, "thank you but my mother has never really be a mother. I used to have to do everything so being shipped here is better then there except here I don't dream of her."

She looked at me confused, "her?" I nod, "yeah a woman that used to come to me in my dreams. She was beautiful she would hold me at night and read to me. It was nice but when I told her I was moving here she stopped visiting me in my dreams. I never learnt how or why that happened by it happened."

"What did she look like?" Esme asked, "beautiful long red hair that looked like fire, pale skin and bright red eyes stood a bit taller then me and her voice was like heaven." Esme froze then looked at me, "red eyes?" She asked and I nod, "yeah why?" She just shook it off, "she sounds beautiful. Does your father know that you like women?"

I froze but then looked and saw there was no hate in her eyes, "no. No one knows," she smiled. "I won't judge you Bella," she smiled and opened her arms. I slowly walked over and hugged this woman who is more of a mother then my actual mother. I was relieved that finally someone worked it out that I don't like men. I mean they are fine but I've never fancied any of them.

"Bella I'm home!" I heard Charlie call and I looked up at the woman, "please don't tell Charlie." She shook her head, "it is your secret to tell Bella."

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