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Victoria's POV

As the wolves left Rose came outside with my newborn baby. She was beautiful... soft red hair and bright blue eyes. I turned to Carmen, "why are her eyes blue?" The vampire smiled at the child, "all half breeds have blue eyes no matter the parents eye colour."

I held my daughter close... she smells just like Bella. "What is her name?" Rose asked playing with my daughter small hand, "Astrid Rose Swan."

"Why those names," the wolf girl asked and I looked up. "Astrid mean beautiful and loved Bella thought it would be appropriate. Her middle name was after you Rosalie because without you I wouldn't have Bella let alone my daughter so we agreed to use Rose as a middle name."

The blonde vampire looked down at me with tears in her eyes, "thank you Victoria." She smiled and played with some of Astrid's hair, "no need to thank me you've earned it. Also Bella has a surprise for you when she wakes up."

"I want to see the baby," Kate was bouncing up and down her mate holding her by the waist. "Calm down Katrina then you can see the baby," Irina said and Tanya smirked at her sisters. "Fine," Kate pout and I slowly walked over to them.

Kate held out her arms, "I'm not letting you hold my child... Tanya." I said and the woman held out her arms and I placed my child in her arms. I watched as Tanya froze at the sight of my child. Her sisters started to fuss over the baby but as soon as they got close she growled and held my child closer.

"Woah what the hell Tan," Kate said. Irina slapped Kate shoulder, "Tanya calm down." I slowly stepped forward, "Tanya give me my daughter." The vampire handed me back my daughter but as I took her away the coven leader looked lost.

"You felt the mating bond to my daughter," I whispered and the coven leader kept her eyes on the baby... my baby. "Yes," she whimpered sounding almost broken.

"Ooooooo Bella's going to kill you Tan," Kate said and Irina smacked her on the back of the head. I ignored them and looked down to Tanya, "I can't stop you forever but can you at least wait until she's matured before you do anything." The vampire's golden eyes snapped up to me, "I will wait I've waited a thousand years what's a few more."

"I'm going to put her down for a sleep you are in charge of guarding her," I told the blonde and she nod.

"Well hello there everyone I can see you've broken another law," we all turned to see a short blonde haired vampire with blood red eyes like me. "I can't wait to tell Aro about this," Emmett and Jasper chased after her trying to stop her but they won't be able too. "SHIT!" Kate yelled and Irina slapped the back of her head again, "no swearing in front of the baby."

I looked down at Astrid, "let's get you feed and asleep my little Astrid." I took her into the house and up to her nursery. As I sat down in the chair Tanya brought me a blood bag, "O negative her favourite." I looked up into the golden eyes, "that's why you were so protective of Bella weren't you... you felt drawn into the life inside her."

"Ididn't know why but yes I think that theory is correct."

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