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Rosalie's POV

"Family meeting!" I heard Carlisle shout and we all ran down stairs to see Esme in Carlisle's arms. I sat on the love seat with Emmett and Alice sat in Jasper's lap in the single couch next to us while Edward leaned against the wall behind us.

"I need to know what happened at school today," Carlisle said and we all went quiet. "The boy in the van said he couldn't stop the van so how is it a 17 year old human can stop a van hurling at her. Anyone want to confess?" Carlisle looked at us all and I spoke up, "she caught a ball I threw at her a bit to hard like it was nothing."

Everyone turned to me and Edward smirked, "maybe not as hard as you thought." I growled, "there is something wrong with that human Eddy!" My brother growled back at me, "don't speak about my mate like that."

I couldn't help myself I burst out laughing.

"Edward Bella can't be your mate," Alice told him and he growled at her which made Jasper growl louder. "I can't read her mind so she must be my mate!" Edward whined. "This human is very different then the others," Carlisle said thinking for a minute. "Jasper can you get any emotions off her?" He asked and I turned to my favourite brother.

"No well actually I could sense on when the van was driving at her but it was like she was screaming it," he told your coven leader.

"She was visited by a vampire before coming here," Esme told us all of a sudden. We all snap our heads to her, "vampire? What do you mean by vampire? As far as we know the Denali's and us are the only animal drinkers in the vampire world."

"That is true but then woman had red eyes. Bella told me that she used to dream about her all the time which was weird but then when she came here the dreams stopped. I could see in her eyes the fear and loss. Do you think this vampire could be something more?" She looked to us and Alice zoned out but came back in a few moments later, "I saw a woman with red hair running threw the woods with Bella as a vampire."

"NO SHE IS MY MATE!" Edward yelled and Emmett got up but Carlisle stopped him, "she is we will get you her my son. This red haired woman will only end up killing her," Carlisle told Edward and we all looked at him like he was an idiot.

"Carlisle honey it's not-" Carlisle cut his wife off, "befriend this girl Alice and lean her towards Edward as a mate it will be easier then him working from the ground up."

With that Carlisle turned to all of us, "find out how she stopped that van on Monday but don't tell her we are vampires until she is with Edward."

I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in someone in all my life then I am with Carlisle right now.

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