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Bella's POV

It rolled around to Monday and I was dreading today. I have to go to school and come up with some sort of story as to why a van stopped in front of me without hitting me. Damn it why couldn't I just be normal.

I got out of my truck and all the talking in the parking lot stopped. I knew I should've stayed home today and maybe forever. "Bella! Hello," I looked over to see the Cullen girl Alice with a big smile on her face. "Um hi?"

"Do you want to sit with us at lunch today?" She asked with big wide golden eyes, "um sure I can do that but I'm not going to be the nicest to Edward though because of him I have two lots of detention." I told her but her smile never went away, "that's fine Bella we understand sometimes Edward can be a prick."

I smiled at her, "yeah I can tell." She held out her arm, "can I walk you to class?" I grabbed her arm and she started pulling me to the entrance. "So Edward is a prick but how is the rest of your family?" I asked and she smiled, "well Emmett is like a big teddy bear and Rosalie is a what do you call it grease monkey?" I laughed, "really I would never have picked that up."

"Yeah actually the first time Rose saw your car she almost had a heart attack," Alice giggled and I blushed. "All that mattered to me is that it runs. I mean who wants to show up to school in a police cruiser," she smiled, "well that sounds like fun. Scare all the bad people away with your father's police cruiser."

We laughed and I saw we were just outside my English classroom, "thank you Alice it's been a long time since I've laughed that hard." The golden eyed girl smiled, "same here Bella. So I'll see you at Lunch?" I nod, "yeah if that's alright with your family." She nod, "of course Bella."

The bell rang and I walked into class waving goodbye to Alice.

*At Lunch*

I grabbed my lunch from the line then I looked over and saw Alice smiling at me then waved me over. I slowly walked over to the Cullen table that held Jasper, Rosalie Emmett and Alice. Alice moved over and I sat down next to her and Emmett. "Hello," I said shyly.

"Bella how was class?" Alice asked and I smiled at her, "it was good I mean except for Trig and Spanish. Jessica wouldn't leave me alone about Friday," I told her sighing. "She is a gossiper that one. I remember the first time we sat here she ran over to say if we wanted to be popular we should be with her. Then Eddy had to deal with two months of her pursuing him it was hilarious. And when he didn't go out with her she told and tells everyone what freaks we are."

"Yeah well I bet she'll be telling everyone about how much a freak I am I like I didn't get enough of the in Phoenix," I looked over to see Jessica glaring at me. "Well Bella on behalf of my family welcome to freak city," Emmett grinned at me and I smiled. "Thanks Emmett."

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