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Victoria's POV

I was hunting a drunk man for dinner in Seattle. Once I got him in an alley way I drained him of all his blood purring at the taste. AB- my favourite. I ran out the city and was on my way home when it happened. My worse fear came true.

I fell to the ground clutching my heart, "BELLA!" I got up and tried to run as fast as I could to where my mate is. She's hurt. I knew she'd find trouble she always does. Please don't be hurt Bella. You were so close to 18 I can't lose you now.

When I got to the Forks border a vampire just out in front of me. He has long dreads and dark skin, "hello." He said and I growled throwing him into a tree then kept running to my mate but was stopped by a blonde haired guy.

"Stop vampire's are in that territory!" He put his arms out and I slammed into him and had my hands around his neck, "I don't care my mate is there and she is hurt!" I growled and the guy with the dreads pulled me away, "that territory is claimed if you go there the vampires will surely kill you."

"My mate is hurt I can feel it! She's scared and in pain let me go! I'll die happily just to know she is safe!" I growled fighting the vampire's grip. "Let her go Laurent," the dark haired guy let me go and I turned to the blonde. "Hello my name is James and that is my mate Laurent please just calm down," I looked up at his red eyes.

I slowly started to calm my beast is still on high alert. "Victoria," I told his trying not to growl at this nice vampire that saved my life. "So why is your mate far away. I didn't even think I was possible to have a mate so far away from you," he looked to me confused.

"My mate is human. When I met her she was only 13 so I've had to watch her grow up into the beautiful woman she is. About 2 months ago she told me she was moving to Forks. I knew there was a coven there so I couldn't go with her. My beast has been kicking my ass everyday for that." It was easy to open up to this blonde vampire, "so you haven't see your human... mate... in 2 months and she is hurt... no wonder you tried killing yourself to see her."

"I know a few people in town I can have them check on her if you want or you can come with us we will be head threw there in a week. James and I need to go to the other side of town," I heard the dark vampire say. "I go threw town with you see if I pick up on her scent," I told them and they nod. "Well you are free to stay with us until that time," James said. "Thank you," I told them then climb up a tree looking over at the town of Forks. My beast fully calmed down because my mate wasn't in pain anymore.

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