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Rosalie's POV

I just got home. Alice was by my door in seconds, "Carlisle and Edward went on a hunting trip so she can come inside." I opened the door and slowly got up with Bella still in my arms, "Jasper go get some clothes for her out of Rose's closet just her mechanic clothes should do."

Soon Jasper came out with some clothes but as soon as he got to close I growled and held Bella closer. Jasper backed away after handing Alice the clothes.

I looked down to Bella then to Alice, "why am I feeling this way Ali." I asked my sister but Jasper answered, "you have a sister bond to her Rose and after what you witnessed happen to her tonight I would be surprised if you let any man in less then 10 feet of her for at least a week."

Alice looks down at Bella and we start to dress her trying not to wake her up. "Where's Esme?" I asked and Alice turned to the forest, "she went to hunt. Speaking of hunting your eyes are red Rose. What happened?" I picked Bella back up and walked inside, "we need to sit down first."

Alice follows as did Jasper but once he got to close I growled and Bella cuddled into me more. "Sorry Rose," Jasper stepped back onto the wall. "I found her naked. Shirt ripped off and jeans thrown somewhere. He was unbuttoning his jeans while the group of guys held her hand behind her. I don't know why she didn't just do what she did to that van but they were so close. The anger inside me burst and I drained them all dry. I killed 8 guys tonight and I would do it all over again."

"Carlisle is not going to like this," Ali told me and I nod. "I know but I will kill him before he can ever lay a claw in on my baby sister," I heard Emmett come downstairs. "How are we going to explain to her that we are vampires?" Jasper said and Emmett came up behind me making me growl. "I love you Emmett but please go stand with Jasper," I growled out and my mate soon left and stood beside my brother.

"Tori..." I heard Bella mumble in her sleep. "I have a strange suspension Esme isn't telling us all that Bella said about Bella's vampire," Alice said looking at Bella.

"You're right I'm not," we all turn to see Esme with bright gold eyes. "Victoria is I believe Bella's mate," all our eyes widen. "But it is very rare that a vampire mates with a human," Jasper was confused as were the rest of us. "It's the only thing I can think of," Esme said and I looked down at Bella. "When I found her she screamed out Victoria then when I was checking her over she said "Tori"," Esme sat on the arm rest.

"If she is Bella's mate we will be seeing her soon," Jasper said and we all turn to him now confused. "You can feel went your mate is in danger if they are human," Jasper said and I opened my mouth to ask but he beat me to it. "My best friend and part of my old coven Peter he was mated to Charlette who was a human at the time. When she got attacked by Maria Peter felt it like as if he's heart was breaking."

We all looked down at Bella who started to wake up.

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