Chapter 7

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Max's prov

Its Kitas birthday she is also my boss but i gald to have her as such before she employed me i was a minner i found crisystals one large white and one blue with a hunt go gold.

Its small about size of my thump i went to the black smiths and tood him what i wanted him to do it when i collected it i was impressed with what he did.

Its 2 times the Size of a gold coin has an engraving on the back 'Your the light of day From Maxwell Harf' i know she will love it.

He said some of the blue beoke off and showed me its not much "Can you cut the white crisystal in the shape of wolf but flat and use the blue broken off crisystal as eyes for the eyes" i ask him he nodded i gave himthe crisystal "I can make three" he said i nodded i sat and waited for a few hours and he came back with three neckelesses with white wolfs since it is a white crisystal on had blue on its ears and tip of the tail i am sure she will like this.

I pay the man 15 Gold for his work his eyes widen in disbelief and i chuckle "Its for the dine wotk you have done and the reat is a tip because you made the Wolf necklesses so fast" he nodded and smiled.

I left the black smiths and made my way to court i don't start work for another hour but i want to give Kita her pressents i put my neckless on and hide it under my clothes i see Jay he stops and looks at me "Here" i gave hum wolf neckless he put it on and hid it under his clothing.

I look to the necklesses i brought and wrapped them in silk with a note i go
To Kita's room and place them on the end of her bed since she is at brwakfast she sould come back to the gift.

Kita's Prov

I make my way back to my room after a great morning Malik,Tim and Charles gave chest full of gold they are st size of my head,Harry gave me a bejewelled Dagger, Henry Gave me a new sword along with a sharpener rock, the King gave me thw documenta for Ruby and King and said they belong to me now and had specail collars made them with their names on the collars in gold and a ring to signafy i am a noble born in the shape of a wolf head howling at the moon.

Heather made me a handkercheif with my name on it along with paw prints i hugged like i always do and thanked her and then Ella gave me a drawing of me sat between two large wolfs it looked like a professional did it i thanked her for it and see beamed turns out she drew it after weeks of practice.

The servants are carrying my stuff back to my room and Lord Jack enters with Heather and Greyson everyone looks to them as do i.

"Welcome back to court Lord Grayden Mrs,Grayden" they both nod their head in respect

"Well i must go back to my chambers and rest up for tonight thank you all for my birthday gifts" i said to them all they smile and nodd their heads

"Lord Karf is also here" Lord Jack said i looked to see Fressric who was eyeing me like a hungry dog Greyson came in and gave me a handful of flowers "Happy Birthday" he said with a smile "Oh dear thank you i love these flowers as well as all my Gifts" i patted his head he nodded and went back to his parents Jack picked him up and smiled.

I left the dinning Hall and Lord Karf Followed me i picked up my pace i am wearing with a short sleeves cropped top Max and Jay come to my rescue thankfully as i walk past them they Black lord Karfs way.

"Move out of the way or i will have your head" Lord Karf said i rolled my eyes and came out of my chambers where people where gathering to see what would happen i get through the crowd to see lord Karf hold a sword to Jays neck.

"Lord Karf unhand my Gaurd right now they are both my private Gaurds and if you harm either one i shall make sure you get punished for it" he put his sword away stormed up to me and slapped me cutting my bottom lip.

I hold no emotion as i stare at him my wolf is growling at him in my head and trying to come out now ahe has never liked him neither have i but i keep her at bay "Your a women you should just bear children raise them and do shopping no one wants your ideas" he stated as a matter-fact.

I rolled my eyes at him "Not all women want to sit at home and be a mother some have potentional to be good fighters if they learn and if you lay a hand on me again you will learn fist hand what i am talking about" i said grabbed Max and Jays hands and pulled them into my chambers shutting my door.

I make them sit on the sofa as i clean their cuts they are thankful afterwards then they go back to their posts i turn to see something on my bed i pick it up ita a note with a silf tied around something i open rhw note and read it we though you might like these for your birthday it ended their i opened the frabric to see a round blue ruby neckless and a Wolf neckless that looked like my wolf only she has black ears and rip of the tail not blue she howls with joy when she sees this.

I uae my senses and get Max's alomg with Jays Scent i chuckle those two are like brothers to me i pit them both on and hide the wolf in my cropped top then go over to the three small cheats of gold i cound the first one 19,000 gold and they are the same size 57,000 gold all together.

I put them into my sack along with my other pressents i pick up the leather roll the picker came im and place back on there with the documenta for Ruby and King i roll it shut make sure it will keep water out of the it then put into my sack with my other presents and i pack up all my other clothes as well along with my frbrics and sewing kit.

I leave the red leather vest that zips up at the front out along with my red leather pants and boots also my cloak on the chair beside the bed a knock rings out on my door "Come in" Lord Jack with Heather and Marry come in and sat on the sofa.

I walk over to them and Marry gasps and examines my lip "How did you get this?" She said pointing to my lip "Lord Karf really meed to go to anger management classes" i stated Jack chuckles as did i.

"So why have you come here?" I asked them raising a brow "I heard your going to the front line tomorrow and i well we wanted to wish you luck" she said smiled and thanked them we xhatted for a while then they went back to their chambers to get ready for the party.

I bathe and put in my dress i let my hair fall down i out my wolf neckless on and hd it under my dress then i put the neckless with the Blue Ruby on with my dress i have trouble Zipping up at the back i stick my head out to see Max stood there "Hey Max can you come in here a second" i asked him he nodded came into my room i shut the door.

"Could you Zip up my Dress its at the back so i can't reach" i said blushing he nodded i turned around and mover my hair out of the way i felt his hand run on my back he slowly Zips up my dress for me when its done i let my hair fall back down on my back.

I turn and realise hes very close to me he leans in to kiss me and i do the same when we kiss our lips move in sync we pull away breathless i blush as he smiles at me.

"Max thank you for everything being here for me since we met but tomorrow i leave for the front the front lines" i said he looked at me surprised and a little bit hurt "I will come back to you Alive No matter what" i said to him as i cupped his face he qrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead i rested my head on is chest after and he kiss my forehead we stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Promise me when you get back we will Marry and be with me forever" he said taking my hand after we broke apart "I promise" i said i care about him as more than a brother and so does my Wolf.

We kiss again and he leaves to go home i fix my self then grab my thigh belt and put my old knife on it my knife is on my left outter thigh then i pull the dress down over it and it doesn't.

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