Chapter 56

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Kita's prov

Waking up in the middle of the night i get up out of the bed after getting out of  Elijahs death grip.

I walk around the mantion and find the kitchen there is a very large pile of dirty dishes a young women is cleaning them by her self.

I pull a stool grab a scrubbing brush,dirty plate then start cleaning it she looks over to me wide eyed in surprise "Why are you helping me when master Elijahs head bulter gave this punishment for being late this morning?" She asked me.

"Because you will be here till midday tomorrow if you do this alone go to get some sleep i will do this ok" i told her she looked at me for a moment "You just said one person can't do this alone" she said contridicting me i chuckled at her.

"Don't worry i can get this done in an hour or two now off to bed i will wake you at dawn so your not late" i told her she looked very tired so rest will be good for her she nodded her head and left.

I cleaned the dishes and put them away neatly then i cleaned the whole kitchen after that i crubbed the floors and cleaned the music room,studie, living area then i scrubbed the stairs case when i was done everything looked spotless.

After doing all the cleaning i looked out the window and its just becoming light outside i follow the young womens scent and i met with a staff hall way i follow the scent more till i get to a door where the scent is stronger i open her door to find her fast asleep in her bed.

I go over to her and gently shake her awake she slowly opens her eyes and groans "what" she said looking at me sleepily i chuckle at her.

"Get up and dressed your due in work soon" she shot up out of bed and started to get ready i left her room and went back to Elijahs room i climbed into bed and watched him sleep then i woke him up.

"What" he graoned at me i giggled at him being grumpy "I have to get ready the fight will happen in a hour" i told him he  shot up out of the bed i swear anyone would of thought his back was on fire or something.

I laughed at his alarmed exspression while he scowled at me "Oh baby the scowl doesnmt suit you at all" i teased him.

He raised a brow at me "What?" I asked him very confused to why he is raising a brow at me.

"Is that my shirt?" He asked me the most stupidist question

"No its waldos shirt" i replyed sarcasticly while rolling my eyes at him "Yes its your shirt your scent keeps me calm" i added he looked at me and nodded his head at me.

I looked to his left shoulder where i marked him there is a mark of a half moon and a wolf howling at it.

And hour later i am stood in front of the generals best fighter who is and its actaully him.

"This is hand to hand combat no weapons allowed" announce general chris nodded his head at me.

We stand in a ring made by the villagers and his men we start to fight and chris is throwing wverything he has at me unfortnetly for him i am stronger,faster and smarter i sweep his legs and punch him in the face.

I feel a sharp pain to my side i look to see a knife i punch chris in the face effectily knocking him out i stand and pull chris's limp body up to mine and give him to one of his men.

"General Chris lost and you all need to go home now" i announced to his men.

After two hours they left and i had pulled out the knife and stitched my self up when i am done Elijah comes to me.

"You were amazing but i can't believe he stabbed you when you told him now weapons allowed i would of killed him if you hadn't knocked him out" Elijah said wrapping his arms around me.

"Babe i am fine don't worry about it" i told him "i felt it when he stabbed you i though it was me who was hurt when it was you" he said looking at me concerned.

"Babe i am ok stop it" i told him seriously he kissed me and i kissed back instantly.

We hear a someone clear there throat and pull away to see a smirking Oliver i rolled my eyes at him as Elijah just chuckled "I came to tell we recieved a letter from the king summoning me you and kita" i looked at him woth wide eyes.

"Nope not happening the king can shove his summons up his ass its not happening" i bluntly stated Pliver and Elijah looked at me.

"Nothing good comes out of me meeting royality ok and i would rather not go through that issue again" i said sitting on Elijahs and i's bed.

They both fold there arms and stare at me i glare at them after what felt like hours i finally give in i sigh "Ok fine when does the king want us and what kingdom their are two that i know of camolot and luton so which is it?" I asked them

"Luton" they both say "Ugh fine when does he want us there?" I asked them

"In two months and it will take half a month to get there" Oliver informed me

"Fine i will come but is he annoys me king or not i will give him a piece of my mind i am a alpha not someone he can push around" i said Elijah kissed me on my forehead his neckless dangled in front of my face it was a coin the size of two thumbs of a womens hands with an eagle face on it.

He pulls away and i am still looking at his neckless"It was given to me by my mother" he said breaking the silence of us.

"Well i bet she was a wonderful mother" i told him he smiled at me and kissed me i kissed back we made love twice that evening.

We are lay in bed together he takes off his neckless and turns the coin over there is writing on the back to my beloved son Elijah from mother x
I think its sweet of her to give him a gift like this.

"I have been thinking what is we have kids together will they be human or a werewolf like you?" He said/asked me

"They can go either way sometimes werewolfs have human children but because they are in a pack they treat them like slaves its not right at all" i said to him nodded.

"If i do have a human child i wouldn't love it any less and neither would my wolf" i told him truthfully.

We soend the night talking till we fall asleep.

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