Chapter 4

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Kita's prov

Its been a month since those three men came to my cave i have been living peacefully that was in till last nught when orcs came to the cave i killed them and took what would be useful to me.

I took 3 necklesses with white dimoind, a blue saffire and a red ruby half the size of my hands they have metal
Casing around them King and Ruby have stayed with me for a week then left me they found a pack that they hd to fight to be apart of they won against the pack fighters and are living happily with the pack now.

I packed up my things put on my skirt and tube top since my underwear was ruined by king before he left i put the necklesses in one piuch that holds 5,600 gold i hide it in my left boot along with a dagger i check it and it doesn't look like i am hiding anything.

I tie the othe pouch to my belt tightly so it does fall from my belt i take the two sacks one full of dried bear meat and other with the wine,Clothes,scissors,scewijg kit,two small pots and 4 bowls with spoons.

I place the sacks and the big metal pot into a pull cart i bought for 300 gold a week ago i cut my hair so it reaches just past my shoulder blades i make sure my belt is on properly then i put on my cloak and grab my bow and quiver full off arrows i place the quiver on my back and the bow lies across my body well i hide the chest with the weapons in it from the orcs.

I have learned their are 4 kingdoms one human, Elfen, a dwarf kingdom and one kingdom where they are welcome to live in peace.

The elfen and dwarf kingdoms arw called Dwarfen kingdom and Elfen kingdom and the humam kingdom is called the kingdom of hellan.

The last kingdom is called the united races i rose a brow when i found out that it was called that.

"Good bye my old home" i said to tje cave i went over and grabbed the pull cart i walled through the wood till i found a path and went on it with my pull cart.

Walking along my ears perk up "Help please somebody help me" it sounds like a little girls voice i pick up my pace and stop short when i see whats in front of me 3 Grown men a women and a little girl their is two dead men one looks to be the driver and the other a noble man.

I leave my cart and get my bow to the ready "Let go of the Child and the women right now" i demamd the mens heads snap up to me as they are holding down the women after ripping her dress off her.

"What will you do huh?" One of the mem asked all cocky like i rolled my eyes at him and let my arrow fly it hit him in his right arm he screamed out in pain the two men let go of the girl and women and rushed to his side.

"Don't move the next man to move has his name on this arrow" i said the women and girl came to my side.

"Leave before i finish your friend off and then end your sorry existance" they looked at me with wide eyes and ran away Carrying their injured friend with them.

I take my hood off and turn to the women and child the women looks to be 20-30s and the child looks to be 9-10 years old "My name is Kita sorry we met like this" i said to her the women nodded her head at me "My name is Marry and this is my daughter Ella the little girl waved at me i waved back.

"Ok which one of those chests is yours you need to put some clothes on so you don't get cold" she nodded and showed me her chest o got it for her she put on a dress that looked nice and i secured the chest back to the carriage.

She spent her time with her daughter crying over the noble mans body i slowly approach her and her daughter and put my hand on her shoulder she jumps but calms down when she sees its me "Im sorry i didn't get here soon if i had i would of saved you all" i told her sincerely she sniffles then nodded she stood and wrapped her arms around me.

I pat her back as she crieds on my shoulder "I know its hard but he will want you to stay strong and try to find happyness again i know my bestfriend wanted me to as well" i said as i patted her back she nodded into my shoulder.

"Pretty birth mark" Ella said as she touches my side where the brand is "Thank you dear" i said to her
"Ok back into the carraige i will drive you to where you need to go where ever that may be" Marry nodded i grabbed my sacks and big metal pot then tied them down.

Ella was waiting at the door of the open carraige and Marry was already inside i walked over to her "In you go Ma'lady" i said holding my hand she took my hand and giggled as she went into thr carriage Marry smiled at us then have me the thumbs up i smiled and nodded.

Turns out they are going to the royal court its where the royal family and nobles stay Marry is the princess of hellan who Marryed a noble man she loves.

I drive through the kingdom gates and go to the court that is pn the other side of the kingdom when we pull up to the gates gaurd come and surround the carraige i sit there and a general i am guessing comes through them and looks at me unsure.

They pulled me off the drivers seat looked through my sacks found nothing of inportnce once they took my weapons away they gave mw the sack with my clothes and bedding in it also has wine in it and they are keeping the sack with my meat in it.

"Oh come on how come your taking my bear meat it tastes great for me" i said kind of annoyed "Kita i will talk to my father but you might have to spend the night in the Prison" she said to me

"Not like i can go anywhere your majesty Have a nice evening and please get me pit of there before tomorrow night i will forever greatful" she nodded her head Ella ran and hugged me i hugged her back quickly then let go "Be safe Little Ella and you have to be there for you mommy now" she sniffled and nodded and went back to her mother.

They dragged me to a cell that was facing others i get pushed into a cell that has a man in it i land on the floor with a grunt the cell door blams shut behind me "You Are Complete Assholes that is no way to handle a Women" i yell and huff folding my arms.

The mam laughs loudly i sniff the air and find he is not the only man in the cell their are two scents i wipe my nose with some of my cape then i take it off the other man is a year older than the one laughing he approaches me and holds his hand out to me "My name is Max and the ninrod laughing is Jay" he said pointing to the now sobering Jay i take his hand "The name is Kita" i said simply with a firm grip i felt sparks and by looks on Maxs face so did he.

Jay goes over to my sack after i shake Max's hand i quickly grab my sack and hold it close to me Jay and Max Raise a brow at me "Didn't your mothers teach you ant manners this sack holds my bedding and clothes in it also some wine" i said to them they cheered after i said wine i rolled my eyes at them.

"Here" i gave them each a full bottle of wine and i took the half bottle from last night jay has blond hair and green eyes his body quite fit where as Max is a muscly guy and very large compared to Jay.

"So whats a pretty Young thing doing here anyway?" Max asked me he has long brown hair and green eyes i rolled my eyes at him as my Wolf started to act up a little.

Its night time Jay is pasted out drunk and is shivering i take out one of my bear blankets and put it over him Max watches me i see his eyes droop i pull out the other bear fur blanket and wrap it around him.

I take my cloak off and lay it down on the floor and then lay down my self and go to sleep.

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