Chapter 9

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Kita's prov

I  wake up slowly and remember yesterday i am in a cave alone i sot up and stretch while yawning i go ovwr to deer skin this now leather i make it into a small sack i place 3 bottles of water into the bag then i go over to where the bear fur is covering the meat rack so the meat drys out better i fill it with bear meat then shut it.

I make a sack out of 3 black capes then put the rest of bear meat in it along with deer and the two wine bottles full of water i take out the qrapped wines bottles and place them into the sack i made out of 3 black capes.

I empty my large sack and then put the small sack into it then i take out all my clothes and boots i move the large rock open the karge chest i put a pair of red and Black boots into the chest along with all my leather clothing then some of my tube tops,Cropped tops and skirts, Shorts in the chest folded i close the chest again then place the large rock on top of it hidding it completely.

I look to my stuff put of my sack i have 3 pairs of tupe tops,Cropped tops, Skirts then 8 Pairs of shorts two in gold,purple,blue and one pair in red and another in black along with my bejewelled dagger, New sword the leather binder that holds Ellas drawing and the deeds to my wolfs, my pouchs of money a pair of red,black,Brown boots a sewing kit and scissors and new shorts i found i pack everything but the two pouches of money,Sewing kit,scissors and the last 3 Capes.

I take the 75 gold and put in one of my pouches i count the first pouch i have 8,000 gold in one the other has 3,675 gold i put the 3,675 in the other pouch.

I take the rock off the chest and put the Red boots into the chest with the other pair along with my new dagger and sword i leave it open as i go to the saddle bags then open it i pull out the note and read it out loud "Dear Kita i thought you might need this yours sincerely henry P.S. there is 34,000 int the pouch"i read it out loud i chuckled at this i added 3,000 to the large pouch and shut the chest then placed to rock back on it.

I looked to one of the 5 small pouches i found a grabbed one i filled it 3,675 i placed on the rock with the other sack i get my black boots out and place the larger pouch into the left boot then thread the boot leg though the other so they are together then put them in my sack.

I grab the bear fur thats the size of a double bed mattress along with one of the black capes and sewwd it to the none fury end of the bear fur blanket and lay it on my bedding i put the pillows in the middle and fold it up them put it in my sack.

I make a black dress out the the black cape along with a tupe top that covers my breasts then i make a skirt that reaches my mid thigh with a small slit on the left side i examine the rest of the cape and i make  black cropped top i make the shorts that look like the ones i found before i cut the cloth hanging down on the front and back with black fingerless gloves and a ribbon.

Move the rock again amd put the sewing stuff along with the scissor in the chest then place the rock back on top i pack everything but the tupe top that covers my breasts and the duplicat of the shorts i found also kept the rubbon out as well i get dressed then tie up my hair i slip on my boots i grab my old dagger and hide it in my left boot and i hide the small pouch in my right boot i am still wearing the necklesses that where made for me.

I take them off and pull out the small pouch from my right boot i placed them in the pouch and put the gold on top of them i shut the pouch and rehide it in my right boot i grabbed my belt with my knife and sword on it and put it on then i put my cloak on along with the Quiver and bow i get the small sack and put in my metal pot along with my bowls and spoons then put it in my large sack that now has quarter space left in it.

I walk put of the cave to the water and fill my water skin i wash my face i look at my reflection in the eater and what i am wearing i look bad ass and very healthy i start walking and pull my cloak over my self properly along with my hood.

I spend half the day walking in my human form when it hit midday mu Wolf wanted to come out for a while i took of my cloak them belt with weapons on it then my clothes and boots i put them in my sack i put the quiver in my sack and tied it shut then places the bow over it i looked around and sniffed the air i smelled nothing but nature thankfully i shifted to my large wolf and grabbed my sack with my mouth i ran till i smelled a lot of human,elfen,Dwarf Men along with orcs and blood mixed together i sneezed at the smell.

I made sure no one was around and shifted back to human form put everything back on put on this morning along with my Noble ring and i held the letter from the king.

I pulled my hood up and went to the tree line some men saw me amd came over holding me at arrow point i rolled my eyes ay this i showed them the seal on the letter and they let me go i walked through the camp till i saw two generals i walked up to them and tapped one of them on the shoulder i showed him the letter and he took it from me.

"Gaurds stay with this person till i get back" he said two men watched me till he came out chuckling "Kita is a girls name you know" he said trying to make fun of me.

I stood up leaving my sack on the ground "Correction i am a women not a little girl" i said his eyes widen as do the mens i jaut roll my eyes again.

"Your a women then show us darling" one of the men shouted they all laughed as did the general i take off my cloak and put my hands on my hips "Yes i am a women but it doesn't mean i can't fight like you men can i am skilled in killing orcs after traveling so far so word of advice don't piss me off" i said to them they all looked at me in surprise and with lust.

"I am general Hawk and general Gale is in his tent at the moment" the general said to me

"If you need me i will be in the cave near by" i said "Why don't you come with me Darling i can show you a good time" one of the men said to me clearly drunk off his ass "Soo sorry im alergic to assholes" i said in a sickly sweet tone.

I left the camp and went to the cave were a nice stream is near by i go into the cave and see it is a mess there is a flat rock to the left i set up my beedinf and keep the bear fur folded to one aide with my pillows.

The stream is between the cave and the Camp i strip down naked and walked to the stream i get in and start cleaning my self when i am done i smell 3 men coming to rhe stream i get out and go to my cave where i smell 4 Men nearby the cave i run into the cave and get dressed and put my socks on and lay on my confortable sleeping mat.

The men enter the cave but i know one of them he looks at me in surprise "Your the women who let my team stay in the cave when the storm hit" he said with wide eyes

"Hello Tor nice to see you again" i said with a simple smile.

"We will be back tomorrow" one of the other guys said they all left i went hunting and killed a deer and rabbit i took the deer to the camp and then went back to the cave with my rabbit i cut the rabbit meat then ate it all.

I striped naked and lay on my bed with the bear fur covering me i placed my clothes i took off to the right side of the bed i lay my head down on the pillow and pulled the blanket up to my chest and closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

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