Chapter 30

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Noahs prov

I have eaten a lot and drank my fair share of ale as has Miles and his friend they retired when the beautiful woman went to her room.

The prince has been watching her since they spoke and its like he is intranced i get up and go to my room then i think of the women who is staying in the room between me and miles.

I go to her door and knock on to it she opens it sleepily but she is naked "What" she said looking at me "I am here to give you this" i hand her the wooden statue of a warrior its what the people who are fighting at the event use to sign up with she takes it and looks at me confused.

"That will help you sign up in the Erinia to fight monsters in and the prize it two sacks of gold along with a cart and horse also horse feed" o rold her she nodded her head.

"I will see you when i win then because i know a village that needs that gold to hire more gaurds" she said to me i nodded my head she closed the door i went to my rooms and fell asleep on my bed.

Kita's prov

I wake up early in the morning to rapid knocking on the door "Yeah Yeah im coming" i shouted at them i got put of the bed and opened the door all the guys where there and looked at me wide eyed i rolled mine i went to bed and use a sheet to cover up.

"With the way you guys are acting its like you never seen a women naked before" i told them they looked away embarrassed.

"And who for the love of god woke me up at this ungodly hour" i said putting a hand on my hip and cocking it with a raised brow.

They all looked guilty then the prince stepped forward "We came to see if you want ro ride to the kingdom with use since the road there is dangerous with the Bandit gang out there" he said to me.

"Nah i am good thanks i can take care of my self i have done so far and will continue doing so gently men not to burst your ego i am a women but i am not defenseless or useless" i said then slammed the door shut.

I got dressed but my pouch into my left boot and my knife in my right one after getting dressed get my stuff go down the stairs and pay then i go out sode to see the guys just getting into the carraige i go over to them "You guys have to be careful the next town has a gremlin problem and i have killed a lot of them but they won't stop so be on your gaurd don't stop keep going" i told them the nodded the carriage started to goand i stepped back.

I watched them go then ran to the village they are heading to through the woods i keep running then hit something that sends me on my ass i look up to see a gremlin but its alone.

I look at it and it looks back at me insee its injured i take a bandage clean his wound then bandage it after he stops fighting me he looks at his bandage then at me.

"I am only doing this because you a good gremlin" I said he looked at me and opened his mouth "G-good" he said pointing to himself i nodded my head.

I move past him amd runnto the village he follows me i stop and turn to him and he looks at me "Why are you following me?" I asked him he looked away from me then a gremlin came out of nowwhere and took him.

I ran to the village i get there just as the carriage arrives i emerge from the tree and bend down holding my knees trying to catch my breath i see lord fred and go over to him he turns to look at me and his eyes widen "Your kuros sister" he said on amazment as he took in my appeareance.

"Yes now whats the report since he left"
I said to fred he told me about the attack of which i already knew of.

I end up leaving the town to find the gremlin i bandaged up i find him with a few gremlins they seem to be picking on him for some reason i move out of the bush and hug him from behind he turns to see me and gives me a toothy smile.

The other gremlins watch us i take his hand and move him away from them when night fall comes they make a fire and cook meat they try to give me aome but i refuse i eat some dried meat and give some to jasper who wanted more so he ate the whole sack.

When he was done he has crums all over his face when he looled at me i giggled and wiped the crums off his face.

I yawn and he picks me up bridle stay and takes me to a comfy spot we lay down together and i cuddle into him and fall asleep as does he.

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