Chapter 15

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Barks Prov

I am shock she has been through something so horrible we all are but she is Alive and stronger than ever.

She is hiding something from is though no human can heal as fast as she does.

"Hey Bark you ok?" She asked me "Yeah i am fine you go bavk to sleep you need rest to heal properly" i told her she nodded and lau back down with the kids everyone has gotten in the cart and i set off Ken climbs to the fronr with me.

"Whats going on with you?" Ken asked me "Its nothing really i guess im just thinking of the men who died and their familys 7 familys may starve this year" i said to him he nodded his head solemly

"Where do their familys reside?" Kitas voice rang out begind making Ken jump a little the kids,Dan and the girls laugh and i shake my head smiling.

"Jesus Kita are you trying to kill me" he said with his hand on his heart "Sorry but serouisly where do they live?" She asked again

"The last village before the kingdom Ken knows all the familys houses"
I said simply

"Did you bring their belongings"? She asked us Ken nodded "Ok" she said sh spent the day making pouches as we rosde to the last town.

We get their midday we had to drop Kita off back at the road she insisted.

Kita's prov

I made them drop me off on the road i ran to the cave where i hid my things I pulled the rock off the chest and opened it i picked one of the small chests its heavy then i pick up the other one its lighter i take out the lighter one then shut the big chest and put the rock back over it.

I fill each pouch with 2,000 Gold each then i untie my money pouch and put the 5,000 in mine i tie it back to my belt leaving a small empty chest.

I stand up and run towards the village when i get their the girls are looking at stuff longingly Bark and Ken put of the Cart and look at me.

"Wherw did you go?" Bark asked me "I went to get my hidden gold that is no longer hidden" i said he looked at me and 7 full pouches.

"Give the familys these pouches they will not starve" i said to him he nodded "you will have to give them the pouches your self" Ken said looming at me i sighed because i knew he would say that.

We go to the first house their is a lady hanging out washing and a kid playing with a dog "Hello miss crape" Ken greted the women turned and looked at us she looked around and started shaking her head when see Saw what Ken was carrying.

I step forward to her she looked at me confused "I fought in the war and i am sorry for your loss where you dependent on your husband for a steady in come?" I asked her she nodded her head.

"We will start with out him" she said i went over to Ken placed one of the 7 pouches on the cape and sword and took it from him then gave it to the lady
"That pouch of money will last you a very long time you will not starve if i have anything to say about it" i told her she nodded Ken and Bark started to leave as did i But the Little Boy grabbed my arm.

I turned to the little boy "Is my daddy gone?" He asked me his brown eyes peiecing mine "Im sorry dear he is but he was a very strong and Brave man you should be proud" i told him his lip strembled i reaches into the pocket of my cloak and pulled out a carving i made of a wolf.

His eyes lit up when he saw it i gave him the wooden toy along with a carving of my crest in wood "If you are ever in need of any help show the crest to the king and he will send for me" he nodded and ran to his mother whow as looking at me wided eyes then looking back at the pouch.

I dropped off all the pouches i has made for the mens familys them we get back to the cart and pull out the spare pouches i made i put 500 gold in each and go over to May and Keira "You two kept on staring at the shops so here" i gave them the pouches and they squealed loudly then jumped in me i fell and hit my back it hurt like a bitch.

"Sorry"they said in sync and got off me i laughed " its fine got have fun and meet us back at the Tavern we will be sleeping in beds tonight" i said they smiled and left.

"How will we stay in the tavern when we have no money" Dan asked from behind me i turn to see uim Holding John who is riggling around trying to get free.

"I have money you ninrod we will stay in the tavern tonight also where is Tara?" He looked at me for a second "she is asleep still" he said to me i rolled my eyes i got into the back of the cart i can hear her heart beat but its not strong she coughs then opens her eyes "I don't feel well" she said "Oh sweetie why didn't you say something sooner" i asked her "I was scared you would get mad at me"She said.

I looked at her like she grew two heads "I would never be mad if your not well its not your fault" i stated she gave me a weak smile.

I go into the tavern all the men look at me raising a brow i rolled my eyes and went to the bar "5 rooms please" the man turned to me "Its 1 gold per room" he said i put down 5 gold coins and another 15 " Ale for all the men and a feast to" i said the Men all cheered

We wait for the girls they come back an hour later we all go to our rooms with drinks and food in our hands May and Keira take John while i take Tara i look after her i put a drop of my blood in her water it glows then stops she drinks it and goes to sleep after eating something i eat my food and drink my ale.

I wake up to a small body jumping on me "Im all better thank you for looking after me" Tara said happily and hugged me "So how do you feel?" I asked her
"Stronger than i was before i was always sick" she complained.

My blood mist of healed her complete so she win't get sixk so easy now i thought to my self.

I get up and get dressed Tara lays on the bed waiting for me when i am done our bedroom door opens and the guys come in with the girls and little john who runs to me and hugs my legs o bend down and pick him up.

"You are a monkey aren't you?" I said to him i rubbes my node on his and he giggles.

"We will take you sack down to the cart" Dan said the guys left as dis Keira and May leaving me with the kids.

"Ok then whos hungry?" I asked Tara and John raised their hands i take them down ro the tavern where some of the men from last night are i go up to the bar "2 of your best brekfast meals please" i said placing 4 gold coins he nodded took the money i sat down and the kids played in the Tavern.

I keep an eye on them then call them over they sit with me and the food comes i geed john his food and he eats as mich as he can but their is still a lot left Tara eqts everything on her plate i eat the rest of johns food.

Pick up john and go over to the bar Tara holds my other hand i out 8 gold coins down "Thats for my friends meals
And some of it is a tip" i said i held Taras hand and kept john on my left hip.

Everyone is in the cart already i put Tara in then John and we set off.

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