Chapter 13

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Unknown prov

I went to the Cave to find her gone i scouted the camp and found her sleeping with the wolf outside a tent and the generals watching her with 12 men.

Looks like i will have to get her another time i though i went back to my camp where my men are there is 5 of us it in cludes me even though i am the leader i go to my tent and go to sleep.

Kita's prov

Waking up to growling i look tonsee what Shadow is growling at then he stops and drops dead infront of me i look to see General Hawk smirking at me i take his water bowl and smell it he was posoined.

"You posoined my Wolf just to get back at me thats low even for you General"
I yelled at him i washed the bowls then packed them away.

I burryed Shadow and left i was rwady for my mission i went ro the geberals tent "You better be there to help those women and the two kids" i said to them then left.

The men moved out of my way they know i meam trouble with the look on my face i get to the edge of the woods near the camp.

"I will look after your stuff while your gone please come back alive" Bark said to me i nodded then looked to the woods i am weqring bear fur cropped top and skirt along with my boots with my money ouch hidden in my left boot and my small dagger in my right boot.

I start to walk through the woods then i run toward the village the orc village i smell an Orc near by and run till i bump into it i fall to the ground and it looks at me raising a brow "Sorry i saw a Wolf and got scared" i said in a shaky voice im a good actor.

He grabs me and takes me to village and i get put in the cage with the other women they all look scared i see the little girl and the 3 year old boy i go over to them "Hey its ok i won't hurt you i am here to save you all" i said the women look up with something in there eyes hope.

I go to the cage door i look for weak spots i find a few i smell blood and look to my right there is a platform with a dead women tied to it by ropes to her wrists i look away then orcs come and look at me.

I get dragged out of the cage and i fight them all the way "She needs to be broken" one orc said the others agreed and i am in the place of the dead women that is now in a ditch they ripped my skirt off me and my top.

"You will die for this" i saod the orc in front of me and spat on him he was angry with me he punched me in the face i just laughed "You hit worse tham my grandmother" i commented.

He got very angry picked up a whip with silver tips on the end of it i keep my face voided of emotion the women look at me with wide eyes.

I feel the first lash i don't scream i stare into space 23 lashes later the orc is happy with his work blood trickles down my back.

"Leave her out here all day and Night she will learn her lesson" the orc who punished me said they all nodded and left i felt weak and helpless like i did when my father abused me.

I lifted my head to the tree line for a second and saw a few of the men from the Camp they looked at me with wide eyes i dropped my head and let my shut i fell into darkness.

I wake up at sun set i am very weak but i have find my strengh and save these people the Orc pass by and look at me as if i am something on the bottom of a boot i glare at them.

"Your Orc are going to die a painful death one day and i hope its by my hands" i said to them while glaring one of the Orcs chuckles "Oh she is a fiesty human" the orc who chuckled said i let my change from blue to gold qnd they all gasp at me.

"What are you?" One asked me "Your worse Nightmare" the sun has just gone down i pull the ropes and they snap jump on the first Orc and snap his neck and take his spear thing i kill a lot of Orcs as the men come into the village they see a lot more orcs i release the women they go to the woods were Bark is "Follow the Elf waving you over he will take you to safety" i told them they nodded and ran to him.

The little girl Tara as i believe her name is is holding on to the little boy they are scare to move i pick them up they look up at me "I am here to save you and take you home" i said them the little girl nods and i see her eyes sparkle for the first time since i got here.

I tale them to the were Bark is along with two women one of the women Take the kids off me as the other puts my arms around her neck i feel my self weaken badly my eye refuse to stay open i feel my self fall and hit the ground i am out like a light.

When i wake up everyone is cheering outside the tent saying the War is ovwr with the Orc we won i look down on my self i have been Wrapped up in bandages and my wrists are bandaged aswell.

I sit up slowly and feel a shock of pain i look around and see the guys with the two women and kids my sack ia next to me i take out my gold cropped top and skirt i put on my cropped top and my skirt then i get the water and drink it.

"Hey how long was i out for?" I asked them there heads snap up to me they all looked relieved.

"You were out for 2 weeks" one of the girls said "May i know the names of the two women who were brave enough to stay behind and help me" i asked them raising a brow they nodded "My name is Keira" the red headed women said i nodded in response "My name is May" the brunette said.

"Welcome to our little family" i said with a smile the little boy stands up from the blanket he was sat on and walks to me and holds his arms up i look down to him and then pick him up.

I hold him to my hip and he plays woth my hair "so whats this little monkeys name" i asked the girl who are my age or a year younger by the looks of them
"We haven't given him one he always stayed with the little girl so we never got to know him so this is a purprise to us he let you pick him up" may said to me.

Tara looked at me and smiled she hugged my legs "Tara Grayden" i said her head snapped up at me looking at me wide eyes "Yes i know who you are and who your brother is i am going to take you to him" i said she nodded and smiled at me.

The little boy i am holding pulls my hair "Hey there little monkey no pulling hair it hurts" he let go of my hair and put his head on my shoulder "Ok little one its nap time i think and i think i will call you John" i said the girls nodded their heada at the name i picked for him.

It is night time so i went back to bed with Beck in my arms and Tara lay on the othe side of beck.

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