Chapter 47

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Sat in the back of the cart for a least an hour and i am bored out of my mind i lay down on my front and the shackles on my legs annoy me.

"Damn i hate these thing i would break them off but then the king might be pissed at me speaking of being pissed Beck i gotta pee" i shouted out to him he groans and pulls to cart to a stop i hop out and run behind a large tree do what i have to then climb back into the cart.

"Oh man thanks my bladder was about the burst i have no idea why i constantly need to pee though" i said Bay chuckled at me and shook his head at me.

"What i was being truthful" i said looking at him i look out of the back of the cart as we slow down gate lift and we go inside then they drop we go through the kingdom for two hours then make it to the castle.

Beck and Bay get off the cart and i get dragged off by the gaurds they even touch me in places i do not like "If one of you touches me like that again i will break your hand" i threatened they lqughed and drags me to the throne room Bay and Beck entered first then i was thrown in and the doors where slammed shut.

I slowly stand up and turned around to see the king and  Princess Anna she has my skirt around her shoulders "Your majesty thank you for having us here today i would like to buy this slaves freedom for her she saved my brothers life over the seas" beck said to the king.

I moved forward and kneeled before him i sneak a glance to Anna who is playing with her dolls she finally looks up and squals she jumps out of her seat and hugs me.

"Big brother this is the women who saved me isn't she pretty" she said to the king who raised his eyes brows in surprise.

"Hello dear child i am glad your well" i said as i hugged her back she snuggled into me "You smell like lemons" she said to me and i chuckled.

I stood up with Anna in my arms and put her back on her seat "Now how about you play with your dolls while me along with my mastwr and his friend speak with the king and your dear brother" i told her she nodded and i went back to my place.

The is a man next to the king who watched the whole thing Bay strpped forward " i think you should set her free she has the most unusaul power" Bay said looking at me.

"Is this true? Did you save my sister? And why?" The king rattled off the questions.

"I wouldn't say i have a power and i did save her because shes just a child your majesty and what they were going to do to her when i find her no women or child should go through that trust me i know" i said looking away from the king taking a deep breath.

" I have decided you will be free from slavery and given a reward for saving my sister" the king said i looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Your majesty please i don't need a reqard my freedom is reward enough" i said to him he looked at me with a raised brow but nodded the shackles where removed and i was giving a golden medal that read 'Citizen of Bremel'.

"You are free as long as you don't break any laws" the king said i bowed and turned to leave two lottle arms wrapped around me i turned to Anna.

"Please stay here with me you remind me of mommy" she told me i looked at he surprised then my eyes softened.

I kneel down to her height the man behind the king raises a brow as does the king as they watch me.

"Your Mommy with you but she is in here" i said pointing to her heart "she will always watch over you from where she is but i can not stay i am actaully on the run from a very nasty prince and king" i told her she nodded and gave me the skirt back i tie it around my waist and stand up.

The door opens and a man stands in the door way " A Lord Miles Gold is here as representive to the all races kingdom" the man told us all my eyes widen not in surprise but fear.

"Well thank you very much your majesty but i have to go now bye" i said i ran out of the throne room right past Miles luckily he didn't see me because i held my hand up to my face i got to the cart and climbed in and waited for Bay and Beck.

They came back and we set off Bay was watching me the whole way back we got their and i ran to my room and faceplanted the bed i let my tears flow and cried my heart out till i fell asleep.

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